Saturday, October 20, 2018

Stupid Or Manipulative? Make Up Your Mind.

There are many men who believe that women are stupid and should be treated like cattle. When it turns out that a woman is not stupid, suddenly all hell breaks loose. Suddenly women are no longer stupid; they are evil and manipulative. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't.

This is similar to how the world has approached the Jews. For a long time they were liberal pacifists, and they were called cowards. Then they realized that they needed their own country and that nobody can destroy it; so now they are called fascists and brutes. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you are a pacifist you are a coward; if you have a strong military you are a brute.

Are women stupid or evil? Let's take a rational look here. Women are people. Anything human can be smart or stupid, evil or good. There are plenty of stupid people of both genders, and there are plenty of evil people of both genders.

What is termed “manipulative” when it comes from a woman is termed competence and strategic thinking in business and politics. If you want a slave class, you want to make sure that they don't develop strengthening skills; and that those who do be destroyed. So if you want women to be stupid enough to accept your supremacy, you will demonize and destroy women of intelligence. And that results in loss of the best minds of half of the population, many of them also good people.

These people need to make up their minds. Are women stupid or are they too smart? Do they lack intelligence, or do they possess an intelligence that you do not have and don't want to develop? Or is your worldview an absolute con?

I get tired of these attitudes. I know many intelligent and honorable women, and they are neither stupid nor evil. I would go to bat for them against misogynists. At the very least I will do my part of deconstructing cognitions that work against them and free the society of their poisonous influence.

So here it is. Another racket extinguished. I hope that more other people do the same with other cons that are there.


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