Thursday, May 30, 2019
Two major voices came out of the
Holocaust: Victor Frankl and Elie Wiesel. Frankl's message was
self-empowerment; Wiesel's message was despair. Yet Wiesel became
more influential than Frankl.
How can this be, some may say. Isn't
positive attitude everything? Don't you have to be positive in order
to be successful, and aren't negative people losers? Well there is
nothing loserish about Elie Wiesel. He became a crusader for human
rights, and his influence extend far beyond the Jewish community.
In fact there have been many people who
were negative who achieved significant things. Nixon was negative.
Charles Dickens was negative. Lou Reed was negative. Russians tend to
have a negative outlook, but for several decades Russia credibly
rivaled America for leadership of the world. Clearly what we know
about positive attitude being prerequisite for success is untrue.
Positive thinking causes more problems
than it solves. You think positive, you fail to anticipate problems,
you do foolish things. Negative thinking is not the solution either.
The negative thinker would believe that our problems are too much for
us to solve, which is untrue. The solution is real thinking, where we
analyze the conditions and put into place rightful solutions to our
Indeed quite often the positive thinker
would become a bully, attacking people who do not have positive
attitude without figuring out why they don't have a positive
attitude. I'll give you a hint. It consists of two words: Global
warming. We have problems up the wazoo, and in some cases a negative
attitude is justified. What is not justified is inaction in the face
of these problems – something that we regrettably see both from
people professing a positive attitude, who want to deny these
problems, and from people possessing a negative attitude, who think
that these problems are too much for us to solve.
So I say do away with both positive
thinking and negative thinking and try real thinking. And pursuant
real thinking, real action to solve the problems of the world.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Christian Environmentalism
There is a conflict between many people
who call themselves Christians and environmentalists, and there
shouldn't be. If you are a true Christian you will be an
environmentalist as well. The reason is that God did not create all
the beauty around us so that it can be blindly plundered, and blindly
plundering nature will not earn you any favors with God.
I had a biology teacher named Fred
Atwood. Mr. Atwood was a devout Christian, and he held an unusual
stance of social conservatism and environmentalism at the same time.
He was celibate, and he kept making jokes about having an alien
girlfriend named Molly Jolly Golly. Once in class I asked if Molly
Jolly Golly had big tits, and Mr. Atwood kicked me out of the class.
But the issues here are no laughing
matter. We are in the midst of the quicked extinction in history. We
have heat waves and hurricanes. We have melting glaciers. We have
rainforest being burned to make ranches that turn into wasteland in
two years. Environmental issues are the greatest challenge of our
If you are a Christian, consider it
from God's perspective. He has created all this beauty, and it is
being destroyed. Would you be happy with this state of affairs if you
were God?
There was an ad that said, “Would
Jesus drive an SUV?” I walk the walk as much as I talk the talk. I
take public transportation, and my electricity bill is $30 a month.
And as a Christian I appeal to Christians to consider what they are
doing to God's creation. Destroying rich, beautiful environments for
short-term gain is permanent solution to a temporary problem. What is
destroyed is better than what is created, and the result is an
impoverished world.
This is especially the case with
ranching in the Amazon. But it is also the case in less obvious
situations. We have carbon dioxide that does not get absorbed by
trees going into the oceans and making them acidic and killing all
the fish. We have glaciers melting and flooding coastal areas. We
have tundra melting to release methane into the air. In all these
cases we see permanent destruction.
Would God be happy about that? Not from
what we know of God. Now God is not against us eating meat or raising
cattle, but He would be against ranching in the Amazon and other
destructive practices. So if you are a Christian, you have an
obligation to also be an environmentalist. That does not mean moving
away from technology. It means using technology that is less
The question to ask before taking any
action is, What would this be in the eyes of God? Am I doing what's
pleasing to God or am I not doing what's not pleasing to God? In this
matter the answer is clear. It does not please God for His creation
to be blindly destroyed. It pleases God for people to provide for
their needs in a way that is less destructive to nature.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The Abuse Game
I am writing here about a game that I
have seen played by many people in a number of situations.
The partner – typically the man,
although sometimes this is done by women – decides that the other
partner is a bad person. This justifies him in treating her like
dirt. Why is this a game?
Quite simply because, if the partner
really was a bad person, then one couldn't wait to leave her. But not
only do people in such situations not leave, but they do what they
can to keep the partner from leaving.
That is because, whatever they think
about the partner's character, they are getting things out of the
relationships. They get companionship. They get sex. They get
children. They get a clean house. They get another source of income
or in some cases the only source of income. Their belief that the
partner is bad justifies them in not only failing to reward the
partner for what they are getting from her, but to treat her like
dirt even as he does what he can to keep the partner from leaving.
What we are getting here, really, is
theft. One gets many things out of the relationship without rewarding
the partner for what he gets from her. And thieves have no business
using moral arguments.
I want more people to see through this
kind of behavior. Once again, if the partner really was bad, then one
could not wait to leave her. That they instead choose to stay in the
relationship is because thye are getting things out of the
relationship. And if you get things out of the relationship, you
better reward the partner for what you are getting from her. Anything
else is a game and a theft.
If you are at the receiving end of this
kind of behavior: See through it. If the partner starts using moral
arguments, turn it around on them and show them that what they are
doing is a game and a theft. For as long as they are getting things
out of the relationship they are obligated to behave rightfully; and
if they truly think that you are a bad person, invite them to leave.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Jews And The Killing Of Jesus
A common criticism of the Jews is that
they killed Jesus. It is time that this be responded to meaningfully.
First, Jesus asked God to forgive the
people who executed him. This means that the rest of us have to do
the same thing, or else be disrespectful to the will of Jesus. If
Jesus wants God to forgive his executioners, then he also wants you
to do the same thing; and failing to do so is disrespectful of Jesus.
Secondly, the Jews, in executing Jesus,
were only following their religious law. The first commandment is
“thou shalt have no gods beside me.” Jesus, in claiming to be
God, committed the worst sin in the books. That is why they insisted
on crucifying Jesus while letting off a murderer.
Finally, the white people want to be
absolved of their crimes of slavery and colonialism. They can start
by absolving the Jews of a much earlier – and much lesser – crime
of killing Jesus.
Am I a Jew? Yes I am. And I want to
bring sanity to this matter. The people who want to be absolved of
the sins of their ancestors need to extend the same grace to others.
And that means that the people whose ancestors perpetrated real
crimes of slavery and colonialism need to forgive the Jews for
killing Jesus.
Once that is done, it will be possible
to resolve our differences in a civilized manner. And then people –
both Jewish and gentile – will be able to work together to create a
livable world.