Tuesday, July 30, 2019

God's Use Of Our Sins

King David's worst sin was taking the wife of one of his soldiers and sending him to die in war. However even out of that sinful situation came something good. What came was Solomon, who gave Israel its greatest time ever. He wrote the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs and built a huge and magnificent temple of God.

It appears that God uses even our sins toward rightful purposes. Any number of figures in the New Testament were redeemed sinners. God corrected what was wrong with them, and then He put what was right with them in service of His glory. The result were better people and wise, informed instruction – from redeemed sinners – as to how other sinners likewise can be redeemed.

Adam getting kicked out of paradise did not end humanity. They did how well they could in absense of God. Then God saved the righteous and populated the world with their descendants. The world kept going its way; so God picked Abraham to be the seed of His people. And as we read from the Bible, some of them were righteous and some were not.

Many people thought that Melanie and I did the wrong thing by getting together. But the outcome was a child who is better than me. Solomon was a result of adultery; and not only adultery but one involving a murder. And yet he became the greatest king that Israel ever had.

So we will see something unethical about many good situation. I know a couple – probably in their 80s – where both the man and the woman are successful philanthropists, and they have raised highly effective children.This situation started by the woman leaving her previous boyfriend to be with the man. Some people will say that that relationship started wrongly because it involved breaking apart what was there previously. Yet the outcome – a highly successful, effective, loving, responsible and compassionate family – more than makes up for that situation.

I find it difficult to reconcile The Bible's commentary in favor of marriage and “what God put together let no man take apart” with the experiences of many people I know. In many situations a partner has pulled a con job. What is sacred about pulling a con job? What is sacred about misrepresenting yourself? If Paul was around to talk, I would ask him of that. I would also ask him abot any number of other things, especially his claim that slaves should obey their masters and his claim that these that and the other will be in lake of fire.

As for God, He has proven much wiser and more compassionate. Even though Solomon was conceived wrongly, God made him the wisest man and a great king. What this means is that God redeems even the trash; and in doing so God gives us all meaningful purpose and dignity with which to lead life.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Angel of Passion

The fiery passion-angel
By cemetery side -
Romanticism's avenger -
Took us upon a ride

Through all the passion's ranges
From heartbreak to delight,
Into and through derangement
And gave us second sight -

Through rapture and through sorrow
Through beauty and through wrath
Through sunlight and through snowstorm
And through both life and death:

Leading half-way to heaven
Leading half-way to bliss
And, like a pitch-black raven,
Pitching upon the trees

From which it cawed and muttered
And, with my soul in beak,
Threw me into a gutter
Wherefrom I now speak.

It was a gorgeous journey,
It was a glorious ride,
Running in early morning
Out to the riverside,

Holding you, gently breathing,
With your head next to mine,
Tenderness endless feeling
With our hearts intertwined,

Kissing you softly sleeping
On the dock in my arms,
Feeling the passion deepen
Under the flashing stars,

Doing, in exaltation,
Pull-ups off trees and walls,
Feeling the inspiration
Reaching impassioned souls,

Learning French, and embracing
Upon a waterbed,
On a lakeside undressing
Inside a sleeping bag,

Reciting Blake and Coleridge
Hearing your brilliant speech
Acquiring truth and knowledge -
What more could I beseech:

You are like stars in heaven,
You are like wind and rain,
You are like moon and Neptune
You are both joy and pain -

I fathom all that happened
And whether I'm in rue
Or whether I am happy
I won't get over you.

In beauty that we shared,
Passion that through us coursed
Is end to all despair
And end to every curse:

Taking to divine splendor
Taking to the truths sublime
Where I can't sit, lie or stand or
See, but feel space and time

Before this passion melting,
Turning soft in my glove,
As from it I am smelting
The sculpture to our love -

From truth that you've awakened
Comes knowledge of the whole
And, if I'm not mistaken,
Keys to the human soul.

I'll take what you have given
And use it as a key
To place where all's forgiven
And all the paths are free -

To reach higher and deeper
Uniting sky and earth
And in my heart to keep her -
Love to which we gave birth.

The passion's flaming angel
Broke through the clouds to forge
Upon the divine anvil
A burning blowtorch

Melding the pearls and iron
Into a wedding ring
And into its environs
Bringing eternal spring,

Puncturing through the seeming
There to avail of light -
Angel of passion, dreaming
From day into the night.

The messenger of passion
Took me into the sky
And I took a concussion
While learning there to fly -

And, as I was still dreaming
Of living in the sky,
The angel turned a demon
And screamed at me to die.


Sunday, July 28, 2019

Adler, Freud, New Age, Personality Psychology: Discarding the Bath Water

I am all in favor of people – myself included – examining their beliefs and their character. I would not however do it – nor recommend that others do it – according to beliefs that are not true. And I have seen that in most of what I have encountered.

There were some people who were pushing on me the Alfred Adler's concept of adequacy and “adequacy striving.” I have found nothing useful in Adler's psychology at all. It would pathologize everything that has taken humanity from caveman to man on the moon. No man is an adequate match for a tiger, nor should he strive to be an adequate match for a tiger. Man outdoes the tiger using superior methodology. Similarly Bill Gates is not an adequate physical match for an inner city gangster or a Muslim terrorist, but he has accomplished much more.

There were people who were pushing on me Sigmund Freud. I have found much that is very wrong with Freud's ideas. He mistook memories of childhood sexual abuse for erotic fantasy and used it to claim that children are in love with parents of the opposite gender, and that love in adulthood is transference of that love. At that time there were few single-parent households and fewer homosexuals to study; now there are plenty of them. And what we see again and again is that girls raised by single mothers, guys raised by single fathers, homosexuals raised by the parent of the opposite gender, and people without either parent in their upbringing, fall in love just as readily as do people who have been raised in nuclear families. Since there is no transference figure in such situations, these feelings cannot be transference. Furthermore, since these feelings are of the same character as those developed by people who have been raised in nuclear families, these feelings cannot be transference either.

With New Age, I have found a lot of useful ideas. However the central claim – that everyone is responsible for everything that happens to them – is obviously wrong. These people do not owe their situation only to themselves. They also owe it to the parents who raised them; the teachers who educated them; the scientists whose work is under all their prosperity; the government, military and police that protect them; both business and labor equally; and of course the intellectuals and Freemasons whose work has given to them their liberty. Misappropriation of credit is not the same thing as responsibility, nor is reminding them of such things the same as failure thereof.

What we see with personality psychology is a very destructive form of intellectual fascism. If it “narcissistic” to seek great success, have ideas different from those around you, or want a passionate relationship, then America owes most of what it has to its narcissists, as does most of the rest of the world. If you are pathologizing what made your country great, then do not go around claiming that you are out there benefiting your society. You are destroying what made it great in the first place. As for the “sociopathic” disorder, what we see contradicts most basic rationality. If people are responsible for their actions then anyone – including a “sociopath” - can act rightfully; and if some people are evil and can only be evil whatever they do, however hard they work and whatever work they do on themselves, then people are not responsible for their actions. The idea that someone can be made criminal by virtue of his personality is the Orwellian institution of crimethink. This then is used to create a de facto totalitarianism from which people are not free even within the privacy of their minds. Not even the Soviet Communists could come up with a more invasive totalitarianism.

Now if one is to let someone into one's life – or a mindset into one's mind – then one has to exercise discretion as to what it is of which one partakes. I would not recommend for anyone to let into their heads something that is destructive. For someone who has, and has suffered for it, the solution is to refute the mentality; and I heartily recommend these refutations to those who have partaken of such beliefs.

Is everything that has come out of psychology and New Age wrong? Not at all. Even the conservatives who reject psychology as a pseudo-science use it constantly in marketing and management. It is however wrong to partake of beliefs that are wrong. And within the preceding mentalities, most is wrong.

It says in the Bible that the world's wisdom is foolishness to God. Whether or not you believe in God, it does not take the Bible to show the foolishness of these attitudes. I started out as a militant atheist, but I have found much greater wisdom in the Bible than I have in these beliefs. For one thing, Christ says that any sinner can be redeemed. And that is a much more humane – and more rightful – attitude that some people, such as these so-called sociopaths, are damned for life.

Or that Bill Gates is inadequate. Or that John Keats wanted his mommy. Or that taking credit for a state of conditions made possible by others is personal responsibility. Or that it works in your society's best interests to snuff out the very kind of people who have been responsible for its greatest accomplishments. Or that imposing crimethink is consistent with American values.

If someone is going to push onto people a wrongful set of beliefs, then it is to be expected that they will be seen through eventually. This is the case both with deliberate conmanship and intellectual error. Adler may have believed what he wrote sincerely, but that does not make his work right. It is obviously and transparently wrong. Same with Freud and any number of others.

It is valid to expect understanding and tolerance; and I extend the same to many people, including those whom others refuse to tolerate at all – such as, for example, these damn “narcissists” and “sociopaths.” It is not however valid to expect tolerance for lies. Anything that is based on a lie is going to come crashing down eventually; and it is in no way responsible, rational or valid to construct social covenants upon rackets – whether again such be the result of intellectual error or deliberate conmanship.

Now any number of people in psychology and New Age were good enough chaps. Most thought that they knew what they were talking about; and some of them did. But even among the ones that did, most committed errors. I do not believe in tossing out psychology as a pursuit, as some conservatives recommend. I believe in correcting its errors.

Adler should be tossed out entirely. Freud had some useful insights; but his most famous claims are obviously wrong. Analysis of beliefs – ones held consciously and ones held unconsciously – is a valid pursuit; but the claim that the are the only thing that shapes one's reality isn't. As for personality psychology, even if any of its ideas are valid the use of it has been completely wrong. It is used to suppress the very spirit that made America great, and it is used to impose upon people a de facto totalitarianism.

Now I do not claim characterological superiority to the people whose ideas these are. I do however claim to see where they have gone wrong. This is not a matter of character; it is a matter of intelligence, and I heartily recommend using the same to others.

As for the self-esteem movement, it is a turkey as well. If good self-esteem made good people and bad self-esteem made bad people, then for the bulk of recorded history, when self-esteem was not encouraged, nobody would have been good. And yet there have been many good people at all times, all over the world, living under all sorts of belief systems. It was stated to me by an American woman of World War II generation that self-esteem used to be called conceit. And yet it is their generation, and not the baby boomers who encouraged self-esteem, that is held now in America in highest regard.

Most people have been exposed to some or all of these ideas. I recommend seeing through them. Not everything in psychology or New Age is useless, but many of their central claims are wrong. Do not discard the baby with the bath water. But by all means discard the bath water.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sweetness And Tenderness

Sweetness and tenderness -- like sisters alike are your marks -
The wasp and the bee suckle honey then flutter as one -
Life ends, beach sand chills overnight, and the heaven gets dark,
And carried away on black litter is yesterday's sun.

Ah, tender rosebush, delicate emanation!
To know what you are is far harder than mountain to climb!
I have but one problem remaining in this incarnation:
To raise from the shoulders of man filthy burden of time!

I drink turbid air just like water with mildew diluted:
A visage appears in the sun, heart of darkness and clots:
Two roses that once were of earth but by man were polluted
Sweetness and tenderness, bound up in double knots!

By Osip Mandelshtam
Translated from Russian by Ilya Shambat

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Fear And Responsibility

I have come across an idea, expressed especially in New Age circles, that fear is at the root of everything that is wrong with the world. I seek to contend with that idea.

I have known a number of people who were genuinely courageous. These people never claimed to disown fear. Instead they defined courage as willingness to act in presence of fear.

I have not been through anything like the Second World War; but neither have the New Agers. I do not see how their views on this subject have undergone any kind of reality-testing. I would take advice on the subject from someone who's been through experiences that actually test courage. And the people I've known who had such experiences did not disown fear. They were willing to act, however afraid they were.

When I was driving through Utah, my car broke down. A Mormon man gave me the ride to the nearest service station, then he paid for the repairs and walked out before I could even thank him. I find this to be an amazing behavior. If this had happened in a community that had a strong New Age influence, they would have said that the reason that my car broke down was negativity in my consciousness. Not only would they not have helped me, but they would have avoided me out of the fear that I would inflict the negativity in my consciousness upon them.

Fear – and especially fear-mongering for profit or political gain – can very well be a bad influence. However in no way is it the only one. Another major bad influence is beliefs that teach people to be jerks; and this is what we see of course all around us, from all sorts of places, including New Age.

Maybe these people found these beliefs useful in adapting to capitalism. But that does not make such beliefs right. Not only did many of them become as big jerks as business conservatives, but some of them have outdone them in that regard; and that has made a mockery of themselves and liberalism proper.

I have a friend who's had an ongoing migraine since she was 22. Any number of people believed that she was bringing it about by negative thinking, or that she was doing it deliberately in order to avoid taking responsibility for her life. She was being blamed for something which was in no way her fault – a concept of course that is alien in New Age circles.

Responsibility is one thing; being a jerk is another. If a Mormon right-winger can be a better person than we are, boy do we have a lot to learn.

Many of these people started out in the same place as I did. They saw what was wrong with the world. The solution that they have created however has been a wrong one. Not only does such a thing deny basic human compassion, but it creates wrongful incentives within society. If responsibility is defined in this way, everyone will want to become a yuppie. Nobody will want to become teachers, scientists, military, police or anything of the sort – professions that do not pay very much but whose contributions are vast. This will starve the country of much of what it needs and will have negative consequences for the country.

I've been a yuppie myself; and I did not find other yuppies to be more responsible than scientists and teachers I've known. They made more money, but the money that they made was based on the work of scientists. The reason that they could be yuppies was owed to their teachers and college professors; and the reason that they could do business at all was owed to the military protecting their country and police enforcing their property rights. Most of these people do not make very much money, and by this definition they are supposedly irresponsible. But the country in general – and the yuppies in particular – owe greatly to all of the above.

When I was with a woman who had New Age influences, she wanted to do something rash. I was telling her of the possible consequences of that – the consequences of which others were warning me as well - and she was telling me that I was preaching fear. She finally had her way, and she got exactly the consequences of which I was warning her – and of which others were warning me. She did not do so through negativity in her consciousness; she had done a lot of work on herself and did not have any. She did this because she did something rash.

I do not see why one emotional state – love, fear, or anything else under the sun – would be better or more powerful than another. There are however things that are more powerful than all of the above. This is the case with nuclear bombs; this is the case with intelligence; this is the case with money. All of these things are more powerful than either fear or love. And, just like both fear and love, these can be wielded both rightfully and wrongfully.

Is fear a bad thing? Anything human can be either good or bad. For that matter, love can be used for wrong things as well. Cults practice what is known as love-bombing. Love gets used as a tool of manipulation. Fear of course can be used as a tool of manipulation as well. That something can be used for wrong however does not mean that it is universally wrong in itself. Money can also be used for wrong; but that does not mean that money as such is a bad thing.

There are many good things that have come out of the New Age. These attitudes however are wrong. Love is not the same thing as being a bully, and responsibility is not the same thing as being a jerk. Using positive values for wrongful ends discredits the values themselves. Love is a good thing, and responsibility is a good thing. Neither of the above should be used for wrong.


Saturday, July 20, 2019

Soul And Ego

There are any number of religions that believe that the ego is evil, and that the soul – or the higher self or higher consciousness – is good.

I do not believe that this is always the case. I believe that anything human is capable of both rightful and wrongful directions, and that it makes sense neither to universally extoll or demonize any of the above.

For an opposing view, I have heard it said by an Australian businessman that the ego is the most powerful force on earth. Business does not seek to either transcend or destroy the ego. It seeks to find workable ways to deal with it.

If an unnamed businessman is not someone whom one would consider a valid source of philosophical thought, one can read Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand said that ego was good. She made two major errors. One was claiming ego to be universally good. The other was stating that nothing else was.

If you wouldn't take it either from a businessman or from Ayn Rand, I recommend reading the works of Russian poet Igor Severyanin. He was highly egotistical, and he made no apologies about it. He created a literary style called ego-futurism. He believed that the ego was going to be important in the future; which of course it has been. Although he was admittedly an egotist, he was in no way unwise. He produced some scintillating poetry, and it can be found in English translation on my site at https://sites.google.com/site/ibshambat/severyanin.

As for the soul, or the heart, it can make errors as well – sometimes bad errors. I've known any number of very wise people who've followed their hearts or their souls into horrible situations. They are by no means the only ones. History is littered with wise people who got bad apprentices or made wrongful alliances. The soul is in no way inerrant; like anything human it is capable of both right and wrong.

If love had been the most powerful force in the universe, we would not see so many loving relationships get destroyed through deception, manipulation, whatever. I have had this happen a number of times in my life, as have many others. A man may be deeply in love with a woman, only to have either his friends or his family poison him against her. A woman may love a man, only to have other people convince her that he is scum. All of the above happen all the time. In all of these cases, love gets destroyed, which would not be the case if it were the most powerful force in the universe.

In fact love is quite fragile. As is nature; as is artwork; as are any number of other beautiful things. In no way does the fragility of such things at all make them worthless. Flowers are fragile, but that does not make them any less beautiful. The solution is not to see fragile things as being worthless. The solution is to defend them and in so doing preserving their value. But do not in any way regard as being omnipotent the things that are not.

If the contention is that someone who's caught up in the ego should look at the heart or the soul, the contention is right. If the contention that the ego is universally evil and that the heart and soul are universally good, I see no merit to such a standpoint at all. Anything human is capable of both right and wrong; and we will see the same with both the ego and the soul. Love, likewise, can be wielded wrongfully. There have been studies into cults that say that they practice what they call “love-bombing.” Love gets used as a tool of manipulation, which is in no way the right way to practice love.

My solution is to neither extol nor demonize either ego or soul. My solution is to work with both. That way I have the use of two modalities instead of either one or the other; and the two can correct each other's potentials for wrong choices while working with one another to accomplish what neither one can accomplish alone. I recommend doing the same with any number of other modalities. Which include, as I have said in a number of other places, observation and experience, as well as feeling and thought.

I believe that there is a legitimate place both for the soul and the ego. I do not regard the two to be incompatible. Look at what you are dealing with and deal with it rightfully. Anything human is capable of both rightful outcomes and wrongful outcomes. Learn both, and achieve wisdom faster – and fuller – than through either acting alone.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Save Our Souls

Going underwater
In neutral waters.
We can by the year
To hell with the weather
And if they will cover
The radars will howl over
Our travail.

Save our souls!
We rave from suffocation,
Save our souls,
Hurry to us!
Hear us on dry land -
Our SOS is getting quieter,
And horror cuts the souls
Right into half!

Aortas are tearing,
But cannot come up!
There left on the board,
There right on the board,
There straight ahead,
Horned death
Stands straight in the path!

We're willingly here -
This is our world!
Have we lost our minds, to
Sail in the minefield?
No hysterics here
Into shore we'll steer -
The captain thus said.

We sail in the sunrise -
Order must be kept.
To die in the sunrise -
Better in sunlight!
Our way is not marked
We've nothing... we've nothing
But remember us!

But now we've reached surface,
But there's no escape!
Full way to the shipyard,
The nerves are pulled tightly.
End to all fears
To ends and beginnings -
Instead of torpedos
We're tearing toward ports!

By Vladimir Vysotsky
Translated from Russian by Ilya Shambat