Thursday, January 24, 2019
One of diagnostic criteria for the
narcissistic personality disorder is “complains about being
misunderstood.” I for one do not complain about that at all. I
favor being misunderstood, because if these people really did
understand me I'd be dead.
I seek three things accomplished in my
lifetime: Transition to clean energy; improvement in man-woman
relationships; and a global cultural renaissance. Call it grandiose
if you'd like, but greater things have been done by lesser minds. And
I have viable ways to accomplish all of the preceding.
So now I am postulating where I stand
and what I seek to be accomplished. Now you know what purpose I have
chosen in life. Understand it or not understand it, but hear it. And
then you can decide whether or not to support me.
Monday, January 21, 2019
"Lady Madonna"
One of the Beatles' most inscrutible
efforts is “Lady Madonna, children at your feet, how do you manage to make ends meet.”
It is especially inscrutible because it
comes at the heels of another major Beatles hit, “I don't care too
much for money cause money can't buy me love.”
Which one is it? Is the work that
Madonna does worthless, or is she doing something that means
In Brothers Karamazov, the businessman
tells the preacher that he is doing what he is doing at other
people's expense. In fact the preacher was doing something that was
very valuable. He was teaching people ethics that made people
employable; and the businessman owed a lot to the priest.
Can Lady Madonna pay the rent? Whether
she does or she doesn't says everything about where we are as a
society. Do we reward righteous and altruistic behavior? Or do we
proclaim such things worthless even as we continue to benefit from
such behavior?
So here we have a band impugning
altruistic conduct even as he attacks money-making. This is wrong in
just about every possible way.
Both lady Madonna and people who are
money-driven are better than people who attack both altruism and
money-making. And I would rather be dealing with either of the
preceding than with people who attack the above without suggesting a
viable alternative.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
"She's Like The Wind"
One of my favorite songs is Patrick
Swayze's “She's Like The Wind.” Its verses include, “I'm out of
her league” and “what a fool to believe I have anything to give.”
In fact he has a lot to give. He has to give passion and
appreciation. Whereas the men whom he believes to be in her league
see her as a trophy and treat her like one.
I had a relationship very similar to
the one that he was describing. The woman was out of my league; she
ended up marrying a jerk. If she had stayed with me, she would have
been treated much better than she was in her marriage. Maybe he was
in her league; but he did not act rightfully.
Now when a love relationship breaks
down, people get told to get over it. I have no intention of getting
over what I had with Michelle. It is not rightful to get over
something beautiful. It is rightful to see what the person would have
wanted and work toward that effect.
Michelle showed me kindness,
compassion, understanding. When she died of medical malpractice, my
concern was what would be the way to honor her the best. What were
her values? What was she striving for? She strove for better
treatment of people; and honoring her means doing just that.
There is only one of me, and there is only one of Patrick Swayze. However there are billions of people around the world. And the more people like Patrick Swayze inspire other men toward better conduct, the better becomes the lot of women around the world
It is not enough, as I found, to love a
person. You also need to understand their purpose in life and work
toward making it happen. Michelle showed me what it means to treat
people rightfully. And for this I am eternally grateful and willing
to make her values count in the world.
Tuesday, January 08, 2019
How Donald Trump Broke My Heart
I vote Democratic; but in the last
election I did not vote. I could not make up my mind who was better.
Trump was a throw-back to 1980s, and Hillary Clinton was a throw-back
to 1990s. Both decades were great economically but terrible socially.
In one decade the men were jerks; in the other decade the women were
jerks. I do not see a reason to favor one over the other.
When Psychology Today published an
article diagnosing Trump with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, I
wrote in his defence. I wrote that according to the definition of the
personality disorder, the world owes vastly to its narcissists. If it
is narcissistic to have original ideas, or if it is narcissistic to
seek great success, then anyone who's had great ideas and anyone
who's had great success was a narcissist, which means that we owe
vastly to people who have it.
On cultural issues, I saw Trump in a
positive light. Here is someone with excellent taste in architecture
who commissioned some of America's most beautiful buildings, as well
as someone with excellent taste in women. Melania Trump is the
refutation of the central claim of many in feminism – that a woman
can't be physically attractive and be strong or smart at the same
time. He has extensive contacts with Russia, and I saw him as someone
who would bring into America the best of Russian culture and thus
enrich America.
Donald Trump, you broke my heart.
How did he break my heart? By acting
like a spoiled child. By shutting down the government because he did
not get everything that he wanted in the budget. By denying a lot of
honest, hard-working people their hard-earned income. And all because
of a minor disagreement as to how much money to spend on the wall
with Mexico.
Well, how about this, eh? You are a
billionaire. If you really want your wall, then pay for it yourself.
Or go soliciting money from Texas Oil or from Wall Street, I am sure
they will rush for an offer to be a part of such a project. There is
no reason why others should suffer in this situation. There are any
number of ways to pay for that wall, and they don't have to involve
shutting down the government and denying hard-working Americans their
It is this kind of behavior that feeds
such beliefs as that Trump is a narcissist. What I know for a fact is
that, whatever brain chemistry or psychology, people are capable of
choice and that means, right choice. Whether Trump is a narcissist or
not, he still has the capacity to choose rightfully. And here he is
choosing in a way that is in every way wrong.
It looks like we are heading for a
showdown, and I won't be supporting the person who acts like a
spoiled child with American government. I suppose it then becomes
incumbent on us to dig in our heels and stand strong against this
irresponsible conduct.
Saturday, January 05, 2019
Misreadings Of Responsibility
Many people speak in favor of personal
responsibility; but many of them have confused ideas as to what that
If responsibility means being
accountable for your actions, then that idea is a rightful one.
However that is not how responsibility has been defined.
Responsibility – and its sister concept success – have been
defined as having a huge house and a Hummer. That is not
responsibility; it is irresponsibility. It is reckless
overconsumption that makes things ugly for the planet and its
inhabitants. Nor is it success; it is letting your life be run by
other people.
I had a counselor who told me that I
needed to be responsible for my life. When I said what I wanted to do
with my life, she said that I was grandiose. These two statements are
mutually contradictory. If my life is my responsibility then it is
mine to do with whatever I want to do with it. And if my life is not
what I want to do with it, then my life is not my responsibility.
Far be it from me to impugn business. I
am friends with a number of businessmen who are excellent people, and
I find what they do to be right. Far be it from me to embrace
Communism. I wrote a detailed deconstruction of Communist ideology
But it is completely rightful to impugn error. And here we see
hideous error all across the board.
Once again, the correct path is to
define what is responsibility. It is not driving a Hummer and having
a huge house. And no, I am not driven in this by envy or anything of
the sort. I lived in mansions on two different occasions. I find it
happiest to live humbly, as I do now, even as I do my work for a
political information site.
I am not lazy; I work hard, and I have
proven my willingness to work hard in any number of ways. Nor am I
irresponsible; I have a more thorough definition of what
responsibility is. The true concept of responsibility is this: Leave
the world a better place than you have found it. And until people are
willing to do that they have no business speaking about