Friday, June 30, 2017
My grandmother lived until age 96 and
passed away a few years ago. She was a strong-willed and ethical
woman who was always loving to me. She taught me reading and counting
when I was 3, and when I was in school in the former Soviet Union she was encouraging me to study and to learn all sorts of subjects.
She was born in 1917, the year of the
Soviet Revolution. It was a horrible time in Russian history. Wars,
famines, purges, you name it. You did not survive if you were not
strong; and even among those who did not survive any number were
strong enough. She sought to do things better than how they had been
when she was raised. Like many others in her generation all around
the world, she worked hard and raised her children with good values.
She got good at many different things.
When she was young she did a lot of rugged travel in the countryside
and achieved excellent physical form. She did PhD work, but did not get her degree because she was Jewish. She
ended up working as a mathematics teacher and had involvement in
politics. She also learned music, and I would often see her playing
Chaupin's Polonez.
She chose for her husband a very
gentle-hearted man. They both treated each other well, but she was
the clear leader of the household. She and my mother did not get
along. She was a Soviet Communist, and my mother wanted to immigrate
to America. And when there are two strong-minded women who have
mutually incompatible beliefs, the result typically is constant
struggle between them.
Now many people have a very negative
view of Communists, and in many cases their attitude is merited. My
grandmother however was nowhere close to being evil. She was ethical,
hard-working and family-oriented: The same virtues as are claimed by
Western conservatives, especially ones who have been part of the
World War II generation.
To the best of my knowledge, she never
believed in God. That did not however keep her from acting in
principled manner. She was dedicated to her work, and she was
dedicated to her family. Her strong personality and intelligence made
her respected both in Soviet Union and in America. During the time
that I knew her she was both tough and kind; and that is a great
In mid-1980s she went into a clinical
depression and hypochondria, and by the time she came with my uncle
to America in 1992 she was in an almost catatonic state. Americans
however found her the right medication, and she perked up and lived
in a high-functioning state for near two decades. When I visited her
with my girlfriend in late 1990s, my girlfriend told me that she
still had very noticeable traces of beauty.
My mother told me a little bit about
her behavior when she was a parent. Apparently she had been
authoritarian, but she was also nurturing and responsible. She had
value for education and hard work and encouraged her children in
both. Both of her children became professionally and personally
successful. One of her grandsons became a doctor in America; another
is a nanotechnology PhD working for Google; and one is married to a
very successful and knowledgeable man who loves her. I was her
favorite grandson, and I have done all sorts of interesting things
with my life that have provided fuel for all sorts of poetry and
She died at age 96. Shortly before that
I visited her with my daughter, who was maybe 4 at the time. My
grandmother was blind by then, but she hugged me and kissed me on the
cheek. She probably knew that that was the last time that she would
meet me in person. I have no idea if any part of her survived death.
But her memory has survived death and lives through her children and
her grandchildren. Бабушка, я тебя люблю. Grandmother, I love
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Removing The Beam From Your Eye
One of Christ's most famous statements
is, “Remove the beam from your eye before removing a speck from
your brother's.”
A question that bears asking is, How
can I remove something that's in my eye? If I have a beam in my eye,
I would not be able to see it. It will become a part of my
perspective – of how I see the world. I will see the world through
that beam, and my view of the world will be a function of that beam.
One way in which this can sometimes be
done, to some effect, is by looking at mirrors. You can see yourself
in the eyes of others. Of course the eyes of others will also have a
beam in them. Their perspectives will be a function of whatever
errors and rackets are formative to their worldview. They will see
you through whatever beam is in their eyes, and their view of you
will be a function of this beam.
There is however a way to do this
successfully. It is to see your reflection in a perfect mirror. God
is the perfect mirror, and He will reflect you exactly as you are.
Another way to achieve this is the
other part of the equation. It is to look at how you see God. God is
a being that has no darkness in Him. If you look at God and you see
any darkness, the darkness you see is the beam in your eye.
Thus, either by looking at yourself in the eyes of God or by looking at God, you will be
able to see the beam in your eye enough to be able to remove it.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
The Jocks And The Nerds
In high school, the nerd types are seen
as boring and the jock types are seen as exciting. Over the long term
that changes. The nerds do more by way of reading and thinking, which
allows them to have all sorts of interesting things to say; whereas
the jocks settle down into predictable conservative lives.
I was a nerd in school, and I've lived
quite an interesting life
( So has another
person who was a nerd in my class – a Korean man named Jae who has
become quite a stud. Whereas the folks who were seen as cool have
become fairly regular citizens; and while most of them have not had
too much trouble, their lives were not nearly as interesting as mine.
Someone once talked to me about the
sports games hiring mathematicians to use game theory to improve
their teams' performances. I asked, “So the jocks decided to hire
the nerds?” In school the jocks and the nerds tend to be at one
another's throats. But there is a similarity. Both are good at
something and not good at something else.
At times both learn in adulthood what
they were not good at while in school. I was the shortest and weakest
kid in class, but I am now in a better physical shape than most
people my age, including people who had been good at sports in
school. There were several students in class who were thought of as
stupid, but they became quite intelligent and thoughtful people as
adults. Someone who's been in Hollywood told me that the movie makers
are people who could not get sex when they were in school. Similarly
I have had a girlfriend who was unattractive while in school but
became quite beautiful as an adult, and she stayed beautiful while
the girls who had been attractive in school became fat.
I had a classmate named Chris who was a
classical jock. Any number of people also saw him as a bully. In his
adult life he has become a lot wiser; and he now comes across to me
as a thoughtful and compassionate person. In the business world, the
nerds and the jocks work together. The nerds design the product and
the jocks market it. Working side by side allows the jocks and the
nerds to put aside their mutual hatreds and act like members of the
same team.
Chris told me that there was a lot in
common between me and him, which was a surprise to me. The
commonality appears to be the one stated above. Where nerds can go
wrong is when they decide that what they do is important and that
nothing else is. We see that attitude especially among engineers.
Where jocks can go wrong is when they decide that academic
intelligence is worthless, that all that matters in life is common
sense and social skills, or that kids who take school seriously are
arrogant know-it-all commie nerds. Each side is right to affirm the
value of what it does and wrong to deny the value of the other. I
have known parents who were jocks attacking their children who had
bookish tendencies, and I have known parents who were nerds attacking
their children who had macho tendencies. This is wrong. There is a
need for both.
One thing that happens in adulthood is
that one's classmates turn from competitors into brothers. The
relationship changes, and people are no longer attacking each other
and instead support one another. This is the case regardless of
whether they were nerds of whether they were jocks. The things that
were differences turn from object of hatred to object of
collaboration. Sometimes the jocks and the nerds work together.
I no longer bear any ill will toward
the jock types. There is in fact similarity between me and them. Any
type can act like a jerk, and any type can act rightfully. There is a
need both for academic intelligence and for personal intelligence.
And that means both the jocks and the nerds.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Baby Boomers vs. Gen-Xers: Feeling vs. Thinking
A baby boomer lady once told me that
the difference in outlook and behavior between her generation and
Generation X is that the baby boomers have been taught to feel, and
Gen-Xers had been taught to think. The first has a reputation for
mindlessness, irresponsibility and self-absorption; the second has a
reputation for cruelty.
What we see in both cases is a result
of the modes of cognition taken to an extreme. We are seeing here the
logical outcome of the method when left to its own devices.
Rationalism postulates that truth is found through reason, and
romanticism postulates that truth is found through feeling. The first
produces things such as science and technology, and the second
produces art and literature. Both do in fact create valuable things;
but both produce garbage along the way. One creates mean-spirited,
dry people; and the other produces people who live chaotic lives.
When the two modes work together, they
check each other's capacity for producing garbage while working
together to achieve valuable outcomes sooner and more reliably than
through either acting alone.
I have known people on the sides of
both modes of cognition who had a low view of the other. Many people
who claim to espouse logic see feelings as an inferior function, and
many people who espouse feeling think that people who rely on thought
are psychopaths. But there are any number of places where the two
work well enough together. Italians and French do not discourage
feeling, and both countries are advanced scientifically and
technologically. Russians, Jews and Greeks do not discourage
thinking, and they are warm and loving people.
When people are taught both to think
and to feel, the resulting synthesis is this: Emotional intelligence.
And that is something that my generation especially has to offer the
I probably have a fairly low EQ; but my
former classmates do not. While Gen-Xers excel at technical fields,
people in my generation tend to excel in people fields; and a number
of my former schoolmates became multi-millionaires. Teaching both
thinking and feeling creates people who are more developed than
either ones who only think or ones who only feel. They are more
complete as people. They have use of two rather than one methods.
They achieve wisdom faster and fuller than those who rely on either
modality acting alone.
The two modes operate in the model of
synthesis within the framework of check and balance. Thinking
corrects the errors that are made by feelings, and feeling corrects
the errors that are made by thought. Neither thinking nor feeling is
good or bad; both are capable of both. With things that are capable
of both good and bad outcomes, the solution is to maximize the
benefits of each while minimizing the wrongs of each. At the bottom
level the two modalities pose check and balance upon one another to
correct each one's potential for wrong. At the top level the two
modalities synthesize to achieve wisdom faster and fuller than
through either acting alone.
When that is being done, the people
tied to each side will shout bloody murder. One side, which sees
thinking as bad, will regard a person using both modalities as cold
or untrustworthy; and the other side, which sees feeling as bad, will
regard a person using both modalities as deceptive or manipulative.
In fact what we see here is intelligence and feeling working together
to achieve understanding of human matters. Feeling allows one to
experience life in a way that is felt by its participants. Thinking
allows one to analyze it and observe it from without. The result is a
full perspective: One that understands both the experience of the
participants and its external effects.
I call this process Integrative
Cognition. It is a methodology that has application in all sorts of
pursuits, from journalism to business to politics. Experience
something as it is experienced by its participants and observe it as
it looks from without. The result is understanding of both the
experience and its impact on others. The result is a full picture.
Every generation learns from the
mistakes of its predecessors. Every generation then makes mistakes of
its own. I have no idea what mistakes my generation will make, but I
have seen the mistakes of both baby boomers and gen-Xers. The two
generation are at one another's throats and have been for decades. My
generation has a tendency to want to reconcile everyone. The process
requires intelligence on emotional matters. That is afforded by
thinking and feeling working together.
Monday, June 26, 2017
Jim Morrison, Eminem And Universal Human Reality
Jim Morrison wanted to kill his father
and have sex with his mother, and Eminem wanted to kill his mother.
The first thought that in his Oedipal ranting he had discovered the
secret of human condition. This claim is refuted by the behavior of
The real reason for the behavior of
both is the way in which they – and their generations – were
raised. Baby boomers were raised in households in which the mother
was the nurturer and the man was the disciplinarian. Mothers were
nice; fathers were mean. So the children liked their mothers and
hated their fathers. Children will always like people who are nice to
them better than they will like people who are mean to them, and
there is nothing Oedipal about it.
The parents of Emimen's generation did
things differently. Their mothers left men who were mean to them; and
many became mean – or at least disciplinarian - themselves. So
predictably the children hated their mothers.
In the first case the children hated
the male parent for being mean; in the second case the children hated
the female parent for being mean.
That is a much truer human reality than
what we see in Jim Morrison's claims.
In my generation, women have been
taught to be mean. It is known as Third Wave feminism, or political
correctness. That is likely to create more Eminems down the road.
But then there have been many men in my
generation who, in reaction against Third Wave feminism, adopted
misogynistic beliefs. They listen to Eminem or follow Osama Bin
Laden. This is likely to create more Jim Morrisons.
And then there is the possibility for
children who are worse than either of the above: Children both of
whose parents are mean to them and who hate both their fathers and
their mothers.
What would a generation like that look
like? I cannot predict. Maybe some of them will be motivated to
figure out better ways to do things, and maybe some of them will
achieve these ways. But then there is a strong possibility that such
people will just be hateful, both to other people in their gender and
to the other gender. Maybe they will want to kill both their fathers
and their mothers; and maybe many of their fathers and their mothers
would deserve such an attitude.
In my case at least none of these
things are likely to happen. I have been very good to my daughter,
and so has her mother. But many other children are not so lucky; and
I shudder to think what would happen in a situation in which a Third
Wave feminist gets together with someone like Eminem.
Both Jim Morrison and Eminem expressed
a truth that was experienced by their generation. But in no way did
either one express a universal human reality. There is one human
reality underlying both of these men: That children will like parents
who treat them well and dislike parents who treats them badly. That
is the case regardless of the parent's gender. And this truth will
continue being expressed through all of history.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Big Government Vs. Small Government
The big government vs. small government
debate means to me absolutely nothing. The reason is that both the
government and the private sector consist of people; and there is no
reason to expect people inside the government or people outside the
government to be better or worse than the other.
Thomas Hobbes, whose work has been
highly influential in European politics, claimed that human existence
was “nasty, brutish and short” and that the solution was a strong
state. His error was failing to recognize that the state consisted of
the same sinful people as did the rest of the world, and there was no
reason to think that people within the state would behave better than
people outside the state. There are any number of others who demonize
the state and see it as the organ of tyranny and corruption. What
they fail to recognize is that the private sector, which many of them
glorify, consists of people as much as does the state, and there is
no reason to think that people in private sector would behave better
than people in the government.
Is government the sole organ of tyranny
and corruption? There are tyrannical bosses; tyrannical parents;
tyrannical religious sects. There are corrupt corporations, corrupt
networks in law and medicine, corrupt communities that subvert police
and social services to protect incest and family brutality. That the
government is capable of wrongdoing is certainly correct. However in
no way is it the only possible source of wrongdoing.
Stalin was horrible; but so is the
Russian mafia. Oracle Corporation is great; but so was Theodore
Roosevelt. Governments can be good or bad; but so can all sorts of
entities that are not the government. In both cases we see entities
composed of people. And anything composed of people can be good or
The push to privatize everything has
been misguided. When Mobutu Sese-Seko privatized different parts of
the government, his country did not get better; it got worse. In
Florida, where prisons have been privatized, the result has been a
vast corruption. I know someone who went away for 2 years for a DUI
and who found out that in prisons the police gave girls drugs in
return for sex. When prisons are privatized, the police have an
incentive to lock up as many people as they can. That does not
improve the situation; it makes it much worse.
Really, who is worse: Russian mafia or
Mikhail Gorbachev? Who is worse: Westboro Baptists or Bill Clinton?
Government is neither Satan nor God. Governments consist of people;
so do all sorts of other things. Neither the public sector nor the
private sector are better or worse than the other. Both can be good
or bad, and for the reason listed above: That both consist of people.
These entities are therefore equal –
either in mutual virtue or mutual sin. Or, as is more reasonable to
conclude, in capacity for both.
Wrong Thought On Relationships
Sigmund Freud's most famous error is
his claim that children are in love with the parent of the opposite
gender, and that love in adulthood is transference of that love. This
idea is very easily refuted in contemporary society. At the time
there were very few single parent households to study; now there are
plenty of them. And what we find is that people raised in single
parent households fall in love just as readily as do people raised in
nuclear families.
Since they do not have a transference
figure, their love cannot be transference.
Finally, since the feelings of the
people raised in nuclear families are of the same character as
theirs, their love cannot be transference either.
The two women with whom I've been for
longer than a year were both raised without a man in the house. Yet
both of them have been in love a number of times. Their relationships
with the women who raised them differed, and in both cases the women
raising them discouraged them from going with men. However both of
them found men attractive, and both of them have been with any number
of men. Neither one of them had an extensive relationship with the
father, and one of them only met her father at age 24 and the other
has decided that her father is a bad person and wants nothing to do
with him.
Neither one had a male parent present;
yet both have been in love more than once. This proves that love is
not transference.
This idea has been far too big for its
merits. In 2000 I was in love with a woman named Michele. She kept
claiming that I saw her as a mother. In fact I saw her, if anything,
as a sister figure, a fellow traveller. She was a poet; so was I. She
had finished Caltech in three years; I had finished University of
Virginia in two. Eventually she admitted that the reason she had
espoused those kinds of beliefs was to soothe her for a previous
situation in her life when she had a beautiful relationship with a
young man, only for the man to leave her. Those beliefs may have
helped some jilted lovers to soothe their feelings; but they have
been very ruinous to society and to many, many people.
Then there is the claim that there is a
pattern to people's relationships. That may be the case in some
situations but not in others. Looking at the history of the two women
with whom I have been for a long time, I do not find a pattern for
their attractions. The first went for everyone from a gentle-hearted
tattoo artist to an acerbic engineering student to a much older
right-hand man of a Hindu swami. The second went for everyone from
punks to a “nice guy” who did not turn out to be all that nice to
an older musician and chef who is both strong-minded and kind. Some
of their men were abusive and some were not abusive. Some of their
men were jerks and some were not. Many in psychology would postulate
a pattern; but I do not find any in either case.
Another claim frequently made is that
people who are raised in bad households go for bad partners, whereas
people who are raised in good households go for good partners. I know
situations to contradict such a claim. The lady for whom I wrote my
first poetry book “Poems to Julia” was raised in a very good
family by a father who had been Vice President of the National
Academy of Sciences; yet she was married for 15 years to an absolute
brute. I know a lady on the Internet who was raised in a horrible
setting, yet men in her adult life have treated her very well.
I know a lovely lady who used to work
at a school for disturbed students. She said that when the students
formed emotional bonds with each other, the teachers defused the
situations by convincing them that because they were raised in bad
backgrounds they would have bad relationship situations. My response
to that kind of thinking is that people are not their parents but
themselves; and that just because their parents behaved badly does
not mean that they would as well.
They are however at a disadvantage.
They have not been raised with good habits; they have been raised
with bad ones. Many people who are raised in negative situations
reject the way in which they've been raised, but they do not know any
other way. If they start out with ideals about treating their partner
better than one of their parents treated the other, often they do not
know how to put these ideals into practice. Sometimes they encounter
a situation that they do not know how to handle and slip back into
the wrongful practices with which they were raised. This may get them
accused of being – hypocrites, predators, whatever. In fact the
real problem is that they have learned wrong habits – which they
rightfully have rejected – but have no practice of any other way.
If the school wants to teach them these
better habits, that is a rightful and noble endeavor. It does not
mean however that they should keep them from forming relationships
with one another.
Another frequent claim is that the
partners that you attract are a result of your self-esteem or what is
in your consciousness. I know any number of people who had both good
and bad partners, and I do not see how what they attract had anything
to do with their self-esteem. I know a lady who went in a short
period of time from a violent Greek jerk to an excellent gentleman;
and it is not likely that her self-esteem had gone from pits to tops
in the short period of time between one and the other. Certainly
being with a bad partner who tears you down can undermine your
self-esteem. What we see is reverse causality. It is not bad
self-esteem that has taken you into a bad situation. It is a bad
situation that has undermined your self-esteem.
Finally there is a claim that men who
love their mothers will treat their women well, and men who hate
their mothers will treat their women poorly. There are many
situations in which this is not the case. In African-American culture
in particularly, men worship their mothers but treat their women like
dirt. Sometimes mothers sabotage their sons' relationships with their
women; and I am personally acquainted with a situation in which a
young man from a country town in Australia went for a young woman who
came from the city, only to have his Jehovah's Witnesses mother turn
him against her; at which point he started acting like a bastard and
is continuing to act like a bastard till the present day. My sister
was married to a man in a similar situation; but she had good
training from her mother and was able to leave the man before he
could do anything truly ugly.
On the obverse, do men who hate their
mothers treat their women badly? Eminem certainly does. To these
people the correct response is that women – like men – differ
from one another, and that their mothers are bad people does not mean
that all women are bad people. Anything human is capable of choice;
anything capable of choice can be good or bad. It is wrong to punish
an innocent woman for the sins of a guilty woman. Similarly it is
wrong for feminists in the academia to abuse young men nearest the
liberal centers of learning and culture who, for the most part, are
the least misogynistic men out there, just because any number of
Muslim or conservative or inner-city men are misogynistic idiots.
All of the above ideas have many people
espousing them, including intelligent people. Yet there are very obvious
refutations for all of the above. I want to see thought on the
subject improve. Most of these attitudes are wrong, and any number of
them have been destructive. Thought on relationships must evolve past
these errors and toward more rightful understanding of the subject.
Saturday, June 24, 2017
"The Truth Will Set You Free"
Man's project is creating a better
world for the people. God's project is creating better people for the
world. Both of these endeavors have merit.
In my walk with God I have found out
the meaning of the Biblical statement “The truth will set you
free.” God will find ways to overcome the errors, lies and traps
that are used to hold you down. He also will work on you.
How will God work on you? By teaching
you whatever is missing in your character, which in my case at least
has been quite a lot. Then He will take whatever is right with you
and put it into His service.
We see this for example with Paul. Paul
started out killing Christians; then Jesus revealed Himself to him.
Paul changed in many positive ways. At no point did he lose his
brilliance, his courage and his moral certainty. He also learned
love, temperance and humility and – having had to learn them
consciously rather than unconsciously, allowing for greater insight –
became an effective and intelligent exponent of these virtues.
I used to have a girlfriend with a lot
of knowledge of psychology who kept claiming that I was avoiding
clarity. My response to that is that clarity according to wrongful
theories is not clarity but foolishness. As the Bible says, the
world's wisdom is foolishness in the eyes of God; and this is what we
see with most of these theories. Most of these theories – such as
Freud, Adler, personality psychology and self-esteem psychology – I
have found it possible to deconstruct rationally. But you do not
deconstruct God.
There have been any number of people
who wanted me to make many different kinds of changes. I rejected
these demands because I could not be certain that the change that
they wanted me to make was a good one. I have since then found out
that in most cases the change that was demanded was not for the
better but for the worse. Whether it be the mindset of Northern
Virginia, or of the yuppie world, or of psychology, or of generation
X, or of political correctness, or of materialist fundamentalism, it
was a degradation and not an improvement upon my previous mindset.
Whereas God works only the rightful change; and in the time I have been following God I went from being someone who was roundly denounced to someone whom most people I know see as a good person.
The true meaning of “the truth will
set you free” is that it will set you free from sin – both your
own and that of others as it impacts upon you. The more this is done,
the more we see done in both directions – to create a better world
for the people and better people for the world.
The Evil Concept Of Adequacy
A concept that has gotten far too big
for its merits is Alfred Adler's concept of “adequacy” and “adequacy striving.”
I seek to contend with this concept and show how wrongful it is.
Different people are endowed to
different extents with different qualities. It is expected that they
will use their strengths to compensate for their weaknesses. If
someone has a weak body but a strong mind, it would make every bit of
sense for him to trade on his mind. If someone is weak intellectually
but has a strong will, a big heart or a rich imagination, it is
expected that he will trade on these things as well. There is
absolutely nothing wrong with that, and I do not expect people to act
in any other way.
Indeed this process is necessary for
the civilization as we know it. No human being is an adequate
physical match for a tiger; yet people are running the planet and
tigers are an endangered species. For that matter Bill Gates is not
an adequate match for an inner city gangster, yet Bill Gates is a
billionaire and most gangsters are dead or behind bars.
To pathologize such a thing is to
pathologize the civilization. Even worse, it is to pathologize
humanity. We use our brains, in which we are superior, to overcome
other species that are superior to us physically. Within humanity
itself, people rely on what they are superior in and not on what they
are inferior in. There is nothing wrong with that. Everyone does
this; everyone has always done this; everyone always will do this.
Ayn Rand hated Immanuel Kant with
almost a personal hatred. She called him the most evil man that ever
lived. Adler
may not have been a horrible person, but his ideas are terrible. He
would pathologize what has made possible the civilization as well as
achievement within civilization. And that makes his ideas an evil
So of course all sorts of confused or malevolent people have taken
that concept and used it to claim all sorts of people to be
inadequate. The question to ask is, Inadequate at what? I do not
claim to be an adequate physical match for Mike Tyson, but I am quite
adequate at a number of more meaningful things than beating people
up. Most people get adequate at something or other, whether or not
they started out that way. Even many of the least endowed people
become effective human beings. They learn, they practice, they work
hard, whatever. Many become more than adequate even if they did not
start out that way.
But the people who have this attitude
want to claim: Once “inadequate” always “inadequate.” This
denies the central fact of human existence: The fact of choice and
will. All sorts of people get to all sorts of places through effort
and determination. The claim above is wrong absolutely. Anyone can
achieve “adequacy”; many – even ones claimed to be inadequate –
can, and do, achieve a lot more.
In short, what we are dealing with here
is a completely wrongful mentality. Not only does this pathologize
most of humanity's greatest contributors, but it pathologizes human
civilization as such. It is expected that people would use their
strengths to compensate for their weaknesses. It is expected that a
species endowed with weak bodies but strong minds will use their
minds against other, more physically adequate, species. And it is
expected that humanity – and the civilization – would grow
through that process and benefit from the efforts of all sorts of
people who do just that.
Friday, June 23, 2017
Values And Abuses Of Values
Just about anything that has appeal to
people can be used for wrong. This also includes things that have
moral appeal.
Patriotism is a value that can be used
for wrong. Through history there have been all sorts of leaders who
exploited patriotism for all sorts of wrongdoing. Seeing this, some
have decided that the problem is with patriotism and national pride.
That is wrong. Patriotism is healthy. It is good for Americans to
think that their country is great, and it is good for the French to
love their country. The problem is when a positive thing that is
patriotism gets used to wage needless wars, hate other countries or
portray as cowards or traitors or posers anyone who has value for
anything from abroad.
Altruism is a value that can be used
for wrong. Communists appealed to the virtue of altruism to create a
brutal totalitarian state. Seeing this, Ayn Rand decided that
altruism leads to dictatorship. That is wrong. There is nothing
dictatorial or totalitarian about Freemasons or Salvation Army.
Stalin's appeal to altruism to do hideous things does not damn
altruism; it damns Stalin.
Family is a value that can be used for
wrong. There are all sorts of people who appeal to “family values”
in order to justify incest or domestic violence. Seeing this, any
number of people decided that something is wrong with family. I used
to be one of these people; then I had a family of my own and realized
how wrong that stance had been. Family is not the problem; incest and
domestic violence are the problem. Family can – and should – be
done better.
Logic is a value that can be used for
wrong. People use logic – or appeal to logic – to practice
emotional cruelty or materialistic bigotry. Seeing this, any number
of people decided that logic is a bad thing. Logic is not a bad
thing; emotional cruelty and materialistic bigotry are. Logic as such
is a useful method, and one that is responsible for all sorts of
valuable things.
Realism is a value that can be used for
wrong. Many people are of the opinion that creative pursuits are
unrealistic. They have an inadequate understanding of reality. The
reality of human world is something that people shape with their
actions; and if more people create a demand for the arts, then more
people who are willing to supply the arts will be able to make ends
meet. In 1920s especially, reality and creativity worked together.
There was a great economic and technological boom; there was also a
cultural bloom that included Harlem Renaissance, Picasso, Dali,
Modigliani, T.S. Eliot, Dorothy Parker, Scott Fitzgerald and the
Modernist and Art Deco styles. The two found ways to work together to
create magnificent architecture such as the Chrysler Building and
beautiful machinery such as the Packard. Seeing the abuses of the
concept of realism, any number of people decide that the problem is
with realism or even with reality. The problem is with an inadequate
understanding of what reality is.
Morality is a value that can be used
for wrong. Many people appeal to morality to justify brutal, cruel or
oppressive behavior as well as abuses against creativity and beauty.
Seeing this, some people decided that morality is bad. Morality is
not bad; it is necessary. What is not necessary is brutal, cruel,
oppressive behavior and abuses against creativity and beauty.
God is a value that can be used for wrong. People may decide that serving God means burning witches or killing infidel. Seeing this, many people decided that religion is a delusion or a form of control. The problem is not with God. It is with wrong things that people do for God without realizing that an omnipotent being does not need their help to kill anyone.
Humility is a value that can be used
for wrong. Kids go around beating up on students who take school
seriously, and others go around abusing beautiful and creative women.
The claim in both cases is typically that the person is arrogant and
thinks oneself better than everyone else. Of whatever arrogance such
a person is guilty, the arrogance of the attackers – in claiming to
speak for everyone – is far greater. Both intelligence and beauty
create good things, whereas nothing good is owed to this attitude.
Seeing that attitude some people – including myself – came at one
point to the conclusion that humility is a bad thing to strive for. I
found out that it is a good thing; but abuses in its name are not.
Strength is a value that can be used
for wrong. People think that strength is about beating people up, or
about being a bully, or about being a despot. Whether as gangsters or
as dictators or as cowboys, these people inevitably become jerks and
do stupid and destructive things. Seeing this, some people have
decided that strength is a bad thing. It is in fact quite a good
thing. It has to be wielded rightfully.
Beauty is a value that can be used for
wrong. Bad parents and stupid teenagers attack girls who are not seen
as attractive at home, and unscrupulous plastic surgeons exploit
women's insecurities to keep them spending huge sums of money on
unnecessary treatments. Seeing this, feminists have decided that
beauty is the problem. It is in no way the problem. Beauty existed
long before these abominations existed; it will continue existing
long after they are gone. The problem is not with beauty but with
abuses of beauty.
Politeness is a value that can be used
for wrong. People may decide that it is rude or offensive to tell
others their real opinions. They may equate this attitude with
respect. That is wrong. If you truly respect the next person, you
will tell them your honest opinion however offensive it may be. That
way they know where you stand rather than being left guessing. What
we get with this idea of politeness is not respect but insincerity.
Seeing this, some people believe that politeness as such is a bad
thing. Politeness is not a bad thing; insincerity is.
Achievement and success are values that
can be used for wrong. People get put into what is known as a “rat
race,” and they are prevailed upon to stay in that or else. Seeing
this, any number of people have decided that achievement and success
are manipulations. In fact there is nothing inherently wrong with
such things. The problems happen when these things become compulsory,
and people are not allowed to do anything else.
Money is a value that can be used for
wrong. People sell others things that are bad for them or blindly
plunder natural treasures that they have not created and cannot
recreate. Seeing this, any number of people have decided that money
is bad. Money is not bad. Unethical business practices and plunder of
nature are.
Responsibility is a value that can be
used for wrong. People may decide that responsibility means driving
Hummers or having huge houses. They may decide to act in a vicious
and cruel manner, making people choose between having medicine and
having dinner or between taking care of the grandfather or sending
the son to college. They may think that it is irresponsible to be in
a pursuit that does not make much money for you but has vast benefit
for many other people. Seeing this, some people have decided that
responsibility is a wrong thing. It is not a wrong thing. Wrong ideas of what responsibility means are.
Freedom is a value that can be used for
wrong. People decide that freedom means denying people Medicare, or
people decide that freedom means smoking crack. Seeing this, some
people decided that freedom is the problem. Freedom is not the
problem. Abuses of the concept are.
Justice and fairness are values that
can be used for wrong. People decide that justice means slaughtering
the propertied class or relentlessly persecuting people they do not
know. Seeing this and more, some people have decided that justice is
really about vengeance and that vengeance is something that weak
people want. In fact, as Plato said, fairness is necessary for
harmonious perpetuation of life; and civilizations need to have one
or another workable concept of justice and fairness to keep people
from revolting or spending their lives in misery.
Peace is a value that can be used for
wrong. People may decide that peace means keeping everybody
oppressed, or people may decide that peace means branding with
untreatable disorders the people who may not be happy with any given
arrangement and claiming that these people are evil and can only be
evil whatever they do. Seeing this, there are any number of people
who have chosen trouble or violence. Peace however is a beautiful
thing. The problem is when its enforcers do things that are wrong.
And this is what we see both with the Soviet Communists who claimed
that anyone who disagreed with Communism suffered from “sluggish
schizophrenia” and with the folks in the West who want “sociopaths”
and “narcissist” behind bars.
Love is a value that can be used for
wrong. There are all sorts of seducers and players, and there are
many situations in which loving relationships turn bad. Seeing this,
any number of feminists have decided that love is a patriarchial
racket. Love is not a racket; playing is. As for situations in which
actual love turns bad, it is not the fault of love but can be a
result of all sorts of things, some of which may be the fault of one
or both partners and others may be the fault of third parties.
All of the above, and more, continue
daily. The abuse of concepts in such a manner discredits the concepts
themselves. Some people will be confused and mistakenly equate the
value with its abuses, and others will exploit confusion to tell
people all sorts of lies for their own gain. In either case it is
necessary to clear up the distinction between the value and the
abuses of the value. That way the value survives and imparts of its
virtues, and those who turn good things into bad things have less
power to do wrong.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Types Of Abusers
I have seen any number of abusive
situations, and I have found five main types of abusers. They are:
Abusers for reason
Abusers for God
Abusers for character
Abusers for social norm
Abusers for gender.
All of the above misuse the above
concepts for wrongdoing. In this they discredit these concepts and
feed reaction against such things.
The abusers in the name of reason
thinks that reason is the higher function and that the emotions are
an inferior function. They go for emotional partners. They tear them
apart mentally, eliciting emotional reactions that allow them to
claim the partner to be irrational, crazy or weak. If the partner
starts using her mind and seeing through the behavior, the abuser
changes his tune. Suddenly she is manipulative, dangerous or
psychopathic. She is crazy if she reacts emotionally; she is
psychopathic if she reacts rationally.
I am reminded of the stance of some
American conservatives. If you are a liberal and not making much
money you are a loser; if you are a liberal and making good money you
are a hypocrite and a dangerous person. Why are you dangerous?
Because you are a refutation of the conservative's false worldview.
These people want to believe that they own financial success,
nevermind that the reason that they can make the money that they do
is owed vastly to science and education – both majority-liberal
endeavors. So if someone who is not a conservative makes lots of
money, that contradicts the lie that they want to feed down
everyone's throats. Similarly Hurricane Carter was seen as a
dangerous person since his childhood, because he was a black person
who was not a loser and who would not put up with being treated as
In a much similar manner, these people
think that they own reason. They do not begin to own reason, and a
person with true understanding of reason will call them on the
irrationality – as well as the asininity – of their behavior.
Then there are abusers in the name of
God, or of righteousness. In most cases they themselves are in sin, and a true
Christian will likewise see that sin.
Their sin, in most cases, is either
lust, hypocrisy or unrighteous anger.
Most of these men did not go after the
woman for righteous reasons. They went after the woman because she
was hot. If they start accusing her of being slutty or anything of
the sort, it must be brought to bear that it was their lust that
attracted them to the woman, and that they have no business accusing
her of such things.
Hypocrisy is found in that situation,
and in many others. The Bible gives the man the authority under the
condition that he conduct himself in a loving and righteous manner. A
man who is not willing to do such a thing has no business thumping
the Bible.
But probably the worst of the sins in
this situation is unrighteous anger. Now there are some deluded
people who think that all anger is unrighteous; they are wrong. Even
Jesus got angry at some people; for that matter even do Buddhist
monks. The belief that all anger is bad does not create enlightened
people, it creates hypocrites. There very much is such a thing as
righteous anger.
However there is also such a thing as
unrighteous anger; and this is what we see in the bulk of such
situations. A man breaking his wife's skull is unrighteous anger. A
man calling a seven-year-old child a loser and telling her that her
mother is a bitch is unrighteous anger. A man giving his wife a black
eye because the soup was too salty is unrighteous anger. A man coming
back from the pub and beating his wife is unrighteous anger.
In all of the above cases the man is
guilty of sin; and a true Christian will call him on it.
The abusers in the name of character
have decided that the partner is a bad person. Whatever their reasons
for coming up with this conclusion, their behavior is frequently much
worse than that of the partner. They become nasty to the partner,
whether the partner deserves it or not, and they themselves as a
result become jerks, whether or not they started out as ones. They
decide that the partner is a bad person, and they themselves become
bad people – whether or not they were so originally – through
their behavior toward their partner.
If you really think that your partner
is a bad person, the rational thing to do is to leave them. Yet many
people in this situation not only do not leave the partner, but they
do everything in their power to keep the partner from leaving. This
shows that they are getting something out of being with the partner;
and their claim that the partner is a bad person is contradicted by
their own behavior. If the partner truly was bad, then such a person
could not wait to leave her. That they want to stay with the partner
shows that they are getting something out of the partner – usually
quite a lot out of the partner. And if you are getting something out
of somebody, you are obligated to treat her rightfully, whether you
think that she is a bad person or not.
The abusers in the name of social norm
have decided that the partner is a social deviant – crazy, amoral,
psychotic, whatever. Usually the people who do such a thing are
hypocrites. I know a situation in which a man kept calling his
girlfriend crazy and a slut; but he had paranoid schizophrenia, had
threatened to kill a nurse and had had sex with a dying cow. There
are others who are very badly wrong. For example there are many
feminist women who claim that some men are sociopaths or narcissists
and that these men can never be good. This contradicts most basic
reason. Anything capable of choice can choose to be good or bad. That
includes sociopaths. They may not have a functional heart, but they
can use their minds to figure out what is rightful behavior. Anyone
is capable of rightful behavior, and to damn people for life is not
only cruel and mean but completely irrational.
If one is with a criminal, then the
question to ask is, Why are you with this person? Are we not judged
by the company we keep? As for the people with mental illness, reason
demands a completely different approach. If someone really is sick,
then that person needs help rather than bullying. And if someone is
not mentally ill, then accusing them of such things is slander. In
either case the attack is a wrongful one; and in all cases one is
made a jerk by making such an attack.
Finally there are abusers in the name
of gender. There are men who think that women are evil or inferior
and should be beaten down; and there are women who think that men are
destructive or that men are pigs. In most situations, both attack
precisely the wrong people. The men brutally abuse women who, for the
most part, are good human beings and ones nice enough to want to be
with them. The women viciously attack men nearest the liberal centers
of learning and culture who, for the most part, believe in women's
rights. The first rarely touch the actually evil women, who usually
find ways to avoid them; and the second have neither the guts nor the
power to reach the real brutes and the real misogynists. In both
cases, the worse people in each gender abuse the better people in the
other gender. And this creates a destructive set of incentives upon
society in which everyone – both men and women – are taught that
being a jerk pays and that being kind gets you mistreated.
The rational response to such people is
that neither gender is either good or bad. Anything capable of choice
is capable of both right choice and wrong choice; and that means both
men and women. And what people who believe such things do is prevail
upon, respectively, men and women to make the worst choices possible
and act in the worst manner that they can act. That makes both sets a
parasitical and evil influence. It is not the matter of men vs.
women. It is the matter of gender warriors against the rest of
All of these people completely
discredit the concepts that they use. And that feeds all sorts of
destructive directions. Abuse in the name of reason discredits
reason, and that feeds anti-rational attitudes. Abuse in the name of
God discredits religion, and that feeds atheism and other religions.
Abuse in the name of character discredits the concept of character,
and that feeds immoralist attitudes. Abuse in the name of social norm
discredits social norms, and that feeds antisocial behavior. And
abuse in the name of gender discredits one's gender, and that feeds
hatred of one's gender.
All of the above people are engaged in
behavior that is not only bad for their partners but bad for the
world. And it is in the interests of everyone to confront or expose
the people who do such things.
Monday, June 19, 2017
Credibility and Originality
There are many people who are of the
opinion that, before someone's ideas can be credible, he must have
personal credibility. This is a very wrong approach, and one that
excludes many of the most meaningful contributors. In order to make
an original contribution one must think in original ways; and someone
who thinks differently from people around him will always see someone
portraying him as a lunatic or worse.
A status quo – any status quo,
whether good or bad – will have powerful vested interests defending
it, that anyone seeking to change it, for good or for ill, will have
to confront. Same is the case with any given mentality. A mentality –
any mentality, whether good or bad – is there for a reason, and
some of these reasons are better than others. It becomes necessary to
understand the logic of the mentality, and it becomes necessary to
understand the source of the mentality. And then it becomes possible
to find out ways to either work with the mentality to influence it
for the better, or to refute the mentality and show to others just
how wrong it is.
From the position of the mentality –
good one or bad one - anyone seeking to change it will be seen as a
threat. So it must portray such people as dangerous individuals –
sociopaths, narcissists, Parental Alienation Syndrome, what have you.
Anyone capable of seeing things as they are has to be branded in this
way. Demonize those who have the capacity to see you. Brand them with
untreatable disorders. Make up fake research to show that they are
evil and can only be evil whatever they do.
Once again, those who seek to defend
the status quo have a right to do it. What they do not have a right
to do is commit in the process vicious violations of human rights.
Whether in Iran or in America or in Australia, it is not rightful
that people who have the capacity to see what's wrong in the given
state of affairs be treated viciously, corruptly or brutally. That is
known as tyranny and corruption. And such have no business existing
in nations that claim principle, ethics or liberty as their ideals.
Whether by branding as sociopaths or as
narcissists anyone who is not happy with any given state of affairs,
or by branding with Parental Alienation Syndrome any mother who does
not want her child battered, or by branding as freaks and lunatics
anyone capable of original thought, the defenders of the given status
quo do great wrong. And that discredits the status quo, even if it is
a good one. This then gives credibility to the actual enemies of
one's country, who can then shout hypocrisy and claim that they have
been right about America or the West all along. Even more
destructively, it rids the country of its most original contributors
and as such undermines its competitiveness. China or India or Russia
get ahead when America decides that the people capable of original
thought are all narcissists or sociopaths or know-it-all commie
Anyone with original ideas will
therefore have someone wanting to portray him as a lunatic or worse.
That, once again, is because he will think in different ways from
those around him. That can of course be experienced as disruptive,
and it will cause all sorts of problems in his life, which will
undermine his personal credibility. However it is these people who
make truly original contributions. And it is these people who have
the most meaningful things to say.
Sociopaths And Common Sense
People with the “antisocial
personality disorder,” also known as “sociopaths,” are known to
be experts at manipulation. I have a good idea as to why that is.
These people do not have what is
thought of as regular human emotions. If you do not have regular
human emotions, then you will have to use your mind to figure out
what everyone else takes for granted. And that will give you profound
insight into the subject, that will then give you an ability to
understand – and successfully manipulate - other people.
There have been many people with mental
illness – such as Nietzsche, Blake, R.D. Laing, Dostoyevsky and
Thomas Edison – who developed brilliant and original insight. They
were not like other people, but they understood other people better
than other people understood themselves. Similarly I, as a non-native
English speaker, am frequently praised for my command of the English
language. That is because I had to learn English consciously rather
than unconsciously. And if you learn something consciously rather
than unconsciously, then you will understand it better than someone
whose learning has been unconscious.
I am not a sociopath; far from it. My
score on the sociopath dimension of DSM has been less than that of an
average person, and a woman with education in social work told me
that I am “psychopath's jelly”: Someone naïve enough to fall for
their gag and someone strange enough that they can blame me for it.
But I take objection to the idea that sociopaths are evil and can
only be evil whatever they do – as someone said on the Internet,
they by definition cannot be good people. That idea is completely
irrational. Anyone with a capacity for choice can choose to act
rightfully, even if they are sociopaths. Yes, many of these people
use their skills for wrong things. But they can also use them for
ends that are rightful, and there are many sociopaths who become
CEOs, surgeons, CIA agents and other highly contributing citizens.
Indeed I posit that many of these
people, if they make an effort to choose to act rightfully, will not
only be good people but be better people than people who are
good-natured. There were many people in the Bible who started out as
scoundrels but then came to God and became not only good but
effective preachers of good. There are many alcoholics who join AA
and learn in AA good values and moral character, and any number of
them develop a better character than many non-alcoholics. The man who
wrote “Amazing Grace” started out as a slave ship owner; then he
educated a man in England who became a parliamentarian and ended
England's use of slaves. If you have come from Point A to Point B,
then you will understand what it means to be at Point B than someone
who's always been there. A person who started out as bad and then
became good will understand what it means to be good better than
someone who's always been good.
On a related note, I have been accused
all my life of lacking common sense. I do not want common sense; I
want a real understanding. I do not want my perceptions to be based
in some bigoted cultural mentality or some primitive adaptation. I
want to see things clearly, and I want to see people clearly. I have
investigated all sorts of things to that effect. Most of what I have
seen had merit, although some (such as Alfred Adler and to a lesser
degree Sigmund Freud) were wrong completely. I've written at great
length about both of these authors, and I recommend to those
who would be interested in looking at my thoughts on this subject.
In short, a person who has to learn
something consciously will understand it better than someone whose
learning has been unconscious. A person who does not have regular
human emotions will develop a keener understanding of people than
would a normal person, and this will allow him to either manipulate
people for selfish ends or to understand people enough to do rightful
and meaningful things. If someone is a sociopath, the correct
solution is to give him a functional ethical structure. Then he will
use his home-bred knowledge for ends that are rightful, and he could
become not only a good person but also a major contributor to the
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Self-Esteem And God-Esteem
The proponents of the self-esteem
psychology claim that good self-esteem makes one a better person. I
smelled a rat when I first heard that, and I found a rat – quite a
big rat indeed.
The problem is as follows. This concept
creates a reverse set of incentives. If you have high standards for
yourself, you will find it harder to meet them than if you have low
standards for yourself. The concept of self-esteem rewards low
standards and punishes high standards. The result is people with low
standards running the show and the people with higher standard left
licking their boots. The bad people win and the good people lose. And
that is the reverse of the above claim.
I had an acquaintance who talked about
a friend of his. His friend was good at many different things, and my
acquaintance developed a view that he had high self-esteem. His
friend's response was, “No, I know myself through God.”
In fact it makes every bit of sense to
seek to know yourself through God. How you see yourself – and how
others see you – is functional to your – and their –
perspective. That means that it is corrupted by whatever beam is in
your or in their eye, and all of the above create a distorted picture
of who you are – a picture that is a function of whatever
convictions you or they hold, however wrong these convictions may be.
Whereas God does not have a beam in His eye, and He is the perfect
mirror that reflects to you what you are in full clarity.
I do not strive for self-esteem. I
strive for righteousness in the eyes of God. And in the month and a
half in which I have been doing that, I have grown more as a person
than in the previous 27 years.
The most beautiful thing about this is
that you achieve personal goodness that way regardless of your
psychology. Even if you are a sociopath or a narcissist, striving for esteem in the eyes of God leads you toward rightful conduct. I have found psychological
solutions to be tedious. Whereas with God you can rise above your
psychology, however bad it may be, and become a better person.
Now I have been raised as an atheist,
and even after I was no longer an atheist I still was militanty
anti-Christian for a long time. I now realize how foolish that stance
had been. I believe that I have had experiences of Jesus, and what I
experienced has been the wisest, kindest and most honorable presence
that I have ever known.
Forget self-esteem. Strive for esteem
in the eyes of God. And this way become a genuinely good human being,
whatever your background or your psychological makeup may be.
Nice vs. Good
I once knew a lovely couple from
Illinois. They bonded when they were young over their ambitions as
rockers, and they were in a band. Then they settled down, started a
family and went into the corporate world. As they left behind their
rock-and-roll past, their relationship went stale. The woman became
unhappy and started looking in other places, one of which places was
The way the man handled the situation
has inspired me for life. He was very determined to stay with the
woman, and he went to great lengths to win her back. He again began
playing guitar. When she said that she wanted to go to Sedona, he
said that he would take her there. She made another connection; he
temporarily kicked her out of the house; but then he continued to be
kind to her and to love her. He regained that way her love and
respect. Eventually she came back, and they moved to Savannah, where
she has become an editor of a magazine and they continue to live
His example has been instructive to me
in my own marital situation. After my relationship with my former
wife broke down, there were any number of women – including two
with social work training - who made a determined effort to alienate
me against her, and her ex attempted to enlist me in his crusade
against her that has been ongoing since 2006. I however chose a
different path. I maintained a good friendship with her, and when she
married another man I was there at the wedding ceremony to lead her
down the aisle. She and I remain on good terms, and I continue to
love her. And my daughter has the attention of two loving parents.
Now there are some people who see her
ex as a loser; but I do not see him that way. He has discipline,
patience and keen understanding of people. Unfortunately he uses
these things for wrongful ends.
He is someone who acts as a “nice
guy.” I've been with three women whose previous partners were “nice
guys,” and none of them was all that nice. The first kept viciously
excoriating his girlfriend while leeching off of her economically.
The second bankrupted his wife. As for this person, he was
economically, physically and socially abusive, and he has succeeded
in getting full custody of their son and has denied him contact with
his mother.
The mistake that many women make is
mistaking social front for goodness of character. Any salesman and
any player who knows what he is doing knows how to put on a front.
That does not mean that he is a good person. These people were seen
as nice guys, but they were not good to their partners. Whereas I
have been maligned by many people, yet I have been much better to my partners than either of
these men.
Some people are better salesmen, and
others have a better product. In many cases the people fall for the
front of the salesmen and buy the inferior product, such as in 1990s
when Microsoft became a global superpower and Apple became a
footnote. All of these women were highly attractive, both physically
and personally, and they could get any man that they wanted. Yet they
fell for people who had the superior marketing but the inferior
product. Both the first woman and my former wife have since then
married men who were older than they were and who both appear to be
good to them. Maybe these men make better partners than I did; and I
wish them well.
As for the goodness of character, that
is something that can be built. The gentleman from Illinois has shown
me what it means to have goodness of character in relationships.
Coming from Russia, where men tend not to be all that good to their
women, I've had to learn better habits from elsewhere. I thank the
gentleman from Illinois for his role. I am sure that my former wife
does as well.
The distinction needs to be made
between nice and good. The first is a mask; the second is a genuine
quality. The first is a sales act, and the second is the quality
product. Do not fall for the false front of salesmen and players.
Look for someone who actually is willing to treat you well.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Solve America's medical mess. License more foreign doctors.
The President and the Congress are
deliberating a bill to replace Obamacare with a market-based
solution. I have such a solution. Relax the licensing requirements
for foreign doctors to practice in America.
Russia for one has many doctors, many
of them quite good. They come to America in large numbers, they will
drive down the costs of medicine through competition. The result will
be a much greater reduction in medical costs than can be done by any
government-based bill.
According to a Soviet-born American
economist named Mikhail Alexeyev, the real reason for the high costs
of medicine in America is cartelization by AMA. It is very hard to
become a doctor in America, and it is harder for a foreign doctor to
be licensed to practice in America. If you have to have a 4.0 GPA to
get into medical school, have to pay through the roof to finance your
education, and do 18 hour days in residency, very few people will be
able to become doctors. And limited supply will always meet high
demand at an exceptionally high rate.
There is a solution to this problem. It
is to increase the supply of doctors by licensing more foreign
doctors. In Russia and China, there are many qualified doctors who do
not get paid very well where they are. Many of them would be happy to
come in America. These people are neither incompetent nor stupid.
They are excellent at what they do, and they would do good job in
If Mr. Trump is serious about fixing
America's medical mess, this is what he would look to do. There is no
way that there will be enough doctors graduating in American medical
schools to satisfy the rising demand as the baby boomers retire. But
abroad there are millions of qualified professionals. They come to
America in large numbers, they will fulfil this demand. And that will
reduce the medical problem in this country.
Now Barack Obama did not appear to have
the guts to take on the root of the problem as Mr. Alexeyev
articulated it; but Donald Trump just might. If workable solutions
cannot be achieved from within, then they can be incentivized from
without. Increase the supply of doctors. Reduce medical costs through
competition. Allow qualified doctors a chance at a better life.
Positives all around.
This would be the true market-based
medical solution. And that will reduce medical costs better than
Obamacare or any other government-based action.
Holocaust Revisionism and Nazism
On the Internet, I keep seeing people
involved in Holocaust denial. The central claim is that Holocaust is
a hoax perpetrated by Jewish media.
I have a perfect refutation to that
I spent the first 12 years of my life
in the former Soviet Union. In the Soviet Union, the media was not
Jewish. Yet it carried extensive descriptions of the Holocaust, as
well as of the Nazi invasion into the Soviet Union that cost 20
million Soviet lives.
I do not see why German people should
want to have anything to do with Holocaust revisionism or Nazism.
Germany is a legitimately proud country that is doing well now and
has had many real achievements in its history. If they want to feel
national pride, they can look back to Goethe, Bethoven, Wagner, Kant,
Rilke and Nietzsche. They can look back to Otto Von Bismarck. They
can look to the period after the Second World War when Germany was –
and remains – the economic leader of Europe. They do not need to
look back to something that not only brought Germany total ruin but
gave German people a lasting reputation as the biggest jerks in the
Were there impressive accomplishments
by Nazi scientists and engineers? Yes there were. But there were
greater accomplishments by German scientists and engineers both
before and after the Nazi era. The Panzers were an impressive piece
of technology; but so is Mercedes Benz. The credit for these things
do not belong with Nazis, but with the German people.
I have known a number of German people.
They did not come across as especially friendly, but they were
hard-working, strong, intelligent, articulate and in excellent
physical shape. Germany has many things going for it, as do the
German people. They do not need to get their pride from the worst
thing that German people have ever done. They have much brighter
spots in their history, one of which is now.
Outside of Germany, I see no reason why
Nazism should have any appeal at all. Why would an American, an
Englishman or a Russian want to have anything to do with Nazism?
Nazis were their countries' enemies. Their grandparents died fighting against them. To side with the enemy of one's country is
treason. I believe in the First Amendment and vocally oppose
political correctness, and even the Nazis should not be censored or
prosecuted. They should however be seen as a hostile force.
I do not say this only because I am of
Jewish blood. I say this because I do not want stupid historical
mistakes repeated. Nazism was a colossal stupidity that brought ruin
to Germany and horrendous destruction to many other countries. There
is no reason to bring back this stupidity. It is something that
should be completely left in the past.
The most worrying situation about this
is that not everyone I've known who bought into Holocaust revisionism
was an obvious bastard or an obvious idiot. I know an intelligent and conscientious
person who bought into it, and that means that it is something that
can no longer be ignored. Instead it should be confronted,
and people be alerted of just how wrong it is.
To people involved in Holocaust
revisionism who aren't jerks: Cut your losses. Do something better
with yourselves. Join a church, volunteer, start a family. Do
something that matters. If you are not German, stop committing
treason against your country. And if you are German, work to actually
benefit your country instead of trying to bring back its darkest era.
To people involved in Holocaust
revisionism who are jerks, I do not have any advice. The best way to
deal with jerks is to steer others away from them. German people do
not need to listen to the biggest jerks in their country, much less
so the American or English or Russian people. What I do have to say to these jerks
is this: I am on to you. As should be many, many others.
Deconstructing Gender War
I have been called a misogynist and I
have been called a male feminist. I am neither. My stance is the
rational one: That anything capable of choice can be good or bad
regardless of gender. I want the choices made on both sides to be the
right ones. I want men to be good to women, and I want women to be
good to men.
I judge it wrong to take sides with one
half of humanity against another half of humanity. Among both men and
women there will be ones who choose to act rightfully and those who
do not. It does not make sense to take the side of men against women,
and it does not make sense to take side of women against men. It
makes sense to take the side of men and women who choose to be good
people against men and women who do not choose to be good people. It
makes sense to reward rightful choice both by men and by women and to
confront wrongful choice by both.
In recent times, we have seen the
opposite on both sides. On one side of town, violent and truly
misogynistic men brutally abuse women who, for the most part, have
good will toward men and are willing to be good to their partners. On
the other side of town, nasty women viciously attack men who, for the
most part, have good will to women and believe in women's rights. In
both cases ugly behavior gets rewarded and goodness gets punished.
And this teaches everyone – both men and women – that it pays to
be a jerk. The result is a worse world for everyone.
I have known a man in Tucson who went
to jail for “beating up [his] wife's fist with [his] face.” I
also know a woman in Kansas whose husband broke her skull so badly
that she needed over 40 stitches and walked away with the child. Both
the man in the first case – and the woman in the second case –
were good people. They were the last people in the world who deserved
such treatment. I would much rather see Eminem or Ayatollah or
Michael Murphy in prison than the first man. As for the woman in the
second situation, she was kind, hard-working and beautiful. But even
if she had been Andrea Dworkin, she still would not have deserved
either to get her skull broken or to lose her child.
When scoundrels win and good people
lose, we see a wrongful set of incentives in society. People – both
men and women – decide that being a jerk pays, and being good gets
you abused. This makes everyone worse, both men and women. Men become
violent and corrupt, women become vicious. Everyone becomes the worst
thing that they can be.
I believe that we can do better. No;
not can; must. We must do better than that. We must be better people
than either the followers of Andrea Dworkin or the followers of
Eminem. We must be better to our partners, and we must be better to
those of the other gender with whom we interact outside the home. We
must resolve to be loving and kind to our partners. And when some
scumbag of either gender tells us that we owe it to our gender to
either (in case of men) control women or (in case of women) be ugly
to men, then we must have the strength and the courage to tell them
to fuck off.
And if they press on, we can tell them
that absolutely nothing is owed to a gender, and that rather things
are owed to those who have been contributors to humanity in all
aspects, whether they were female or whether they were male.
At the stake is nothing less than what
kind of world our children inherit. Do you, as a man, want your
daughter to be a punching bag for some idiot? Do you, as a woman,
want your son to be maliciously abused by Dworkin - McKinnon
feminists or falsely portrayed as a misogynist or a sociopath when he
is not? Do you want your children to live in a world where these are
the two possible options? Or are you – and your children – better
than that?
In their single-minded push for
equality, the leaders of feminism have denied women things that may
in many cases be more important than mere equality, attacking such
things as family, love and religion. In their psychological
deconstruction of men, they have taught women who listened to them to
suppress their best qualities and turn from kind and compassionate
human beings into vicious monsters. For a long time they have denied
women the right to family life even if the woman was choosing such
willingly. And this was in many cases more oppressive to women than
much of what we see done by men. If a woman wants to be an Amazon,
fine, let her join the military or the police. But do not deny women
the right to family life or beauty or romantic love or children or
Christian religion if such be her deliberate inclinations.
As for the reaction against feminism –
led by people such as Eminem, Osama Bin Laden and Michael Murphy –
it has taught men to be brutal and corrupt. It has told men that real
men beat women and then sneakily cover it up in court while
subverting the police and the social services to maintain the
deception. I can think of no more contemptible standpoint. It takes
absolutely nothing for a man to beat up on a woman. It takes a lot
more for a man to love her.
And I, as somebody who can do 200
fingertip pushups at age 41, am hardly weak for my age.
In both cases the bad guys won and the
good guys lost. This is the case for both men and women.
The solution is not the gender war. The
gender war is the problem. The gender war teaches everyone – both
women and men – to be the worst thing that they can be. The worst
choices are being taught and encouraged, and the better choices put
people into ugly situations. And this sets up a dynamics by which
everyone becomes the worst thing that they can be.
The solution to the gender war is the
opposite. It is to inspire men and women to be good to one another,
and to give them the courage to stand up to the scoundrels on both
sides of the gender war who exploit people's failure and misery to
advance a destructive agenda while making the world worse for
everyone. It is to give men and women the courage to love one another
and treat one another rightfully. And it is to respect and reward the
men and the women who choose to do so while confronting the men and
the women who choose to treat their partners – or people of the
other gender in general – like dirt.
It makes sense to side neither with men
nor with women. It makes sense to support the men and the women who
are willing to treat the people of the other gender right. It makes
sense to encourage, reward and support kindness toward one's partner
and confront abusive behavior. It makes sense to support the better
choices in both men and women. And it also makes sense for men from
the first side of town to get together with women from the second
side of town, resulting in matches in which each party will be
treated better than it expects to be treated at home.
The last of this, I call the economic
solution. A major theme in economics is that, when left to their own
devices, people will seek what benefits them, and that competition
among the producers rewards those who can deliver the best product at
the best price. Here, people will naturally gravitate toward those
who are willing to treat them rightfully. The men will go to women
who are willing to be good to men, and the women will go to men who
are willing to be good to women. This will reward rightful behavior
by both men and women, resulting in more people choosing that
rightful behavior.
And this will do more to correct both
injustices of which I have spoken than either government-enforced
feminist action or man-on-woman violence and court abuse.
So this is the solution. Reverse the
incentives. Make it pay for men to be good to women and for women to
be good to men. Create a large-scale flux between the side of town
where nasty women abuse men who have goodwill toward women and the
side of town where nasty men brutalize women who have goodwill toward
men. Let men who are willing to be good to women get together with
women who are willing to be good to men. Create better relationships
for the participants. But more importantly, improve the incentives
within society, rewarding good behavior and punishing ugly behavior
both by women and by men.
The result of this will not only be
better relationships. It will be a better world.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Capitalism and Environmentalism
Two thinkers who have had a vast effect
on me were Ayn Rand and Ward Churchill. Ayn Rand championed logic,
reason and capitalism and saw nature as there only as resources for
human consumption. Ward Churchill, a Native American professor at
University of Colorado, instead saw the Western civilization as
psychopathic and championed the beliefs of Native Americans, who
favored co-existence with nature and respectful treatment of the
Neither one would have tolerated the
other. Ayn Rand would have called Ward Churchill a savage, and Ward
Churchill would have called Ayn Rand a psychopath. Both are
part-right and part-wrong.
To Ward Churchill, I would say that if
not for the Western civilization he would not be a professor at
University of Colorado. And to Ayn Rand, I would say that she has not
created nature and cannot re-create nature, and it is morally wrong
to plunder what you cannot re-create.
But both also have a legitimate point.
Both environment and the civilization should be treated with respect.
In case of nature, whether it is a creation of God or a product of
billions of years of evolution, it is something that people have not
created, that possesses greater richness and complexity than anything
that people have ever created, and that as such is a greater
masterpiece than anything that people have ever been able to produce.
And in case of the civilization, it has created all sorts of
impressive achievements and conveniences and that, as such, likewise
deserves to be treated with respect.
Both nature and civilization are great
achievements; and both should be valued.
On this there are four different
possible scenarios. The worst scenario is when people blindly plunder
nature without contributing much to the civilization, such as when
Berbers deforested Northern Africa or when Brazilian farmers burn
down rainforest to make ranches that turn into wasteland. There are
two medium scenarios – purely naturalistic lifestyle such as that
of the Native Americans and the purely technological lifestyle such
as what we see in many cities and suburbs of America.
The best scenario is when nature and
civilization exist together, and where people fulfil their material
needs and wants in a way that is not ruinous to nature.
I have seen this done to some extent in
a number of places in contemporary world. These include San
Francisco, Melbourne, Seattle, and some smaller places such as
Boulder and the Magnetic Island. In these places, the people take
care of the environment while also building advanced technological
lifestyle where people live prosperously and comfortably. These people are often derided as hypocrites. No, they aren't. They
have created livable situations in which people have the benefits of
the civilization while taking care to tread lighter on treasures that
they did not create.
Among the previous civilizations, the
ones who did this best were the Incas. They had advanced architecture
and engineering and agriculture more efficient than contemporary
techniques. They also took the care to be minimally obtrusive to
nature. They terraced the mountains in such a way as to prevent
erosion. They also considered the environment in their design. While
most suburban houses look completely out of synch with their
environment, the Incan houses looked like extensions of the mountains
on which they were built. Both the beauty of nature and intelligence
of man found ways to exist symbiotically. They respected nature, and
they also built a magnificent civilization.
I see no reason at all why the wisdom
of the Incas should not be informative today.
The solution in such situations is to
maximize the constructive potentials while minimizing the destructive
potentials. It is to produce technologies that are more
brain-intensive and less resource-intensive. It is to make the most
of man as the creator, and make the most of nature as something that
man has not created and cannot re-create. It is to tap into human
intelligence. It is to do the most to advance the benefits of the
civilization, that man has created, and do the least to destroy
things that man had not.
Now there are many situations in which
the people involved in capitalism and environmentalists clash. In
fact, each represents exactly one-half the equation. The first
represents the civilization and the second represents nature. Both
are aspects of life – the first as created by human beings and the
second as not created by human beings. There should be ways to
advance both. There are.
The solution is neither to do away with
civilization nor to blindly destroy nature. The solution is to use
human intelligence to create better technologies that fulfil people's
needs and wants in a less ruinous manner. Hydrogen energy,
water-based engines, and similar technologies will do the task. This
will serve life in man-made aspect without destroying life in
non-man-made aspect. And that will make the most of both worlds.
Environmentalists and capitalists
should be able to work together. Ultimately the goal of both is to
advance life. In the first case the life that gets advanced is
nature; in the second case the life that gets advanced is human
civilization. The two in no way contradict one another. They can work
together; they should work together; and it is the task of human
intelligence to make that possible.