Sunday, October 28, 2018

"Useful Politically Correct Idiots"

An Internet poster stated that men who were involved in feminism were “useful politically correct idiots.”

I for one have opposed political correctness ever since I knew what it was. I however make a strong stance in favor of women's rights and powers in society. That is because there are many things that influence people besides self-interest. I have a daughter, and my interest in her well-being is more important to me than is my interest in my own.

So we see these men claiming that men who are into feminism are selling out their own gender. Why on earth would they identify the people they care about with their gender? For conscientious people, there are other values besides self-interest. That includes other values besides their gender interest. If you love a woman, or if you have a daughter, then you seek her well-being even when it is not necessarily in line with your own interests as a man.

What people who want men to identify with their gender do not understand is that nothing at all is owed to a gender. Things are owed to people who have been contributors of humanity, and that includes both women and men. I owe absolutely nothing to the male gender. I owe to people of both genders who have done valuable things. And one of the valuable things that I seek to accomplish in my lifetime is creating better man-woman relationships. I want to see people refuse to identify with their gender and instead identify with people they love. And then they can work together with people they love to create better lives for each other.

Once again, I refuse to identify with a gender. There is no reason whatsoever why either a man or a woman should identify with such things. If you care about others who are not your gender, you will do what you can to improve things for them. A loving, responsible father would want the best for his daughter, and a good husband would want the best for his wife. Which means that he will refuse the unearned claims that other men make on his attention and instead do what he can to make the world better for his daughter or for his wife.

To the men who want me to support the male gender: Piss off. I will not support a gender, and I will not give my attention to people who do not merit it. When women are doing the wrong thing, they should be confronted as much as should men who are doing the wrong thing. But forcing gender identification at the expense of identification with people you love is wrong. My daughter has the right to my attention. Some wife-beating jerk does not.

So it is time that this con be called out. You do no favors to anyone by identifying with your gender at the expense of the other gender. And a good man will look beyond his self-interests as a man and make decisions that benefit other people, whatever gender they may be.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Business Standards And Relationship Standards

I once had a short-term relationship with a woman named Michele, who at the time that we got together was with a man named Bob. She said afterwards that we were children because we had laughed about beauty and nature while we hurt another human being.

This bothers me. This bothers me because we are seeing here a double standard. In business world people hurt one another all the time as they compete with one another. Whereas with relationships we see this impossible standard that no human being can meet.

I know an older couple to whom I will refer by their initials, D. and V.. D. was in a relationship with a man whom she does not now hold in high esteem; then she met V., at that time a science student, and they fell in love. They got married, and they raised a highly successful family while remaining with one another now into their 80s. According to some people, V. stole D., and their relationship is illegitimate. However it has been to the benefit of everyone that D. be with V. rather than with that man, and that the children be raised by V. rather than by D.'s ex-partner.

One claim we hear is that you don't build happiness on others' misery. Business does all the time. As for relationships, in most of these situations it is the former partner that is building his happiness on the partner's misery. I have known many situations in which a person would give the partner everything that they have only to reap nastiness and brutality. Such situations are ones of exploitation. One party gives and the other party takes without compensating the other appropriately. What we have here is theft. And people practicing theft from their partners have no business using moral arguments.

Why is it more legitimate to perpetuate abuse than it is to destroy situations of abuse? Why are relationships based on deception and violence more valid than relationships that help a person to get away from such things? Are we completely insane, or are we having our values dictated to us by players? The same people who used the skills that they used to con a woman into a bad situation, to convince everyone else that they are in the right?

D. did the right thing by going for V. Here was a man who was honest, hard-working, responsible, intelligent and of ethical character. He rose to a high position in American science. Her children had the good fortune to be raised by a genuinely good father, which would not have been the case if she had stayed with her former partner.

So it is time that these attitudes be re-evaluated. That something comes before something else does not make it more legitimate than something else. D.'s relationship with her former partner was not more legitimate than her relationship with V. V. did a much better job of raising the children than her former partner could have possibly hoped to do. And it is wrong that her ex's claims on her be held in greater esteem than her lifelong marriage.

So it is time to confront this kind of thinking. Is it, or is it not, valid to compete with other businesses and build your happiness on other people's misery? Is it, or is it not, valid for people to practice relationships of exploitation and theft? And is it, or is it not, valid for people instead to fall in love and start relationships that are based on genuine passion and goodwill?

I think it is up to all cultures to have this debate. As for me, I know what and whom I am supporting. I want to see the player role done away with, and relationships happening to be honest. And if that means breaking relationships based on dishonesty and supporting ones starting in passion and caring, then that is fine with me.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Stupid Or Manipulative? Make Up Your Mind.

There are many men who believe that women are stupid and should be treated like cattle. When it turns out that a woman is not stupid, suddenly all hell breaks loose. Suddenly women are no longer stupid; they are evil and manipulative. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't.

This is similar to how the world has approached the Jews. For a long time they were liberal pacifists, and they were called cowards. Then they realized that they needed their own country and that nobody can destroy it; so now they are called fascists and brutes. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you are a pacifist you are a coward; if you have a strong military you are a brute.

Are women stupid or evil? Let's take a rational look here. Women are people. Anything human can be smart or stupid, evil or good. There are plenty of stupid people of both genders, and there are plenty of evil people of both genders.

What is termed “manipulative” when it comes from a woman is termed competence and strategic thinking in business and politics. If you want a slave class, you want to make sure that they don't develop strengthening skills; and that those who do be destroyed. So if you want women to be stupid enough to accept your supremacy, you will demonize and destroy women of intelligence. And that results in loss of the best minds of half of the population, many of them also good people.

These people need to make up their minds. Are women stupid or are they too smart? Do they lack intelligence, or do they possess an intelligence that you do not have and don't want to develop? Or is your worldview an absolute con?

I get tired of these attitudes. I know many intelligent and honorable women, and they are neither stupid nor evil. I would go to bat for them against misogynists. At the very least I will do my part of deconstructing cognitions that work against them and free the society of their poisonous influence.

So here it is. Another racket extinguished. I hope that more other people do the same with other cons that are there.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Global Warming And Big Lies

I have seen climate deniers referring to clean energy people as Luddites. This argument is a Big Lie. It is in fact the deniers that are the Luddites, attempting to sabotage progress toward better technologies in order to force reliance on bad technologies.

The same people claim such things as that oil is progress and clean energy is stagnation. Another Big Lie. Oil is no more progress now than horse and buggy was at the beginning of 20th century. It is clean energy that is progress. Progress toward better technologies; smarter technologies; technologies that will fulfil people's needs at present and greater levels with fewer destructive effects.

There are others who claim clean energy to be bad for jobs or for the economy. Yet another Big Lie. Clean energy will create vast numbers of jobs, both in white collar and blue collar sector, putting to work the people who have been dislocated by flight of jobs abroad. There will be people to design the equipment; there will be people to put into place the equipment; and there will be people to maintain the equipment. All this will create jobs and boost the economy.

We also have people claiming such things as that global warming is a hoax. Another lie. Global warming was known to both Soviet and American scientists as early as 1950s. The Soviet Union and America were enemies, and enemies do not conspire with one another.

Then there is the claim that it is an attempt for socialist takeover of the economy. More lies. Clean energy can be put into place by private sector as well as it can be put in place by public sector. To me it matters absolutely nothing who puts it into place, for as long as it is done. Clearly in America the public option is a non-starter. However private efforts to put into place these technologies are perfectly consistent with capitalism and perfectly consistent with conservatism.

Then we have the claim that people who recognize the reality of global warming are sheep unthinkingly buying into academic line. I for one am not a sheep at all. I know more about original thinking than any global warming denier. I consider 10,000 scientists affirming global warming to be better authority than deniers of global warming, most of whom are not scientists and the bulk of whom are abusive creeps. It also accords with my own thinking. This should be common sense. You raise carbon dioxide emissions while cutting down trees that absorb carbon dioxide, you have problems. To think to the contrary is to not be cognizant of reality; and that is not the behavior of rational people.

I am not driven in this by power or anything of the sort. I seek to bequeathe my daughter a better, not worse, world than I have found. That is the meaning of responsibility. That is the meaning of ethics. That is the meaning of being a good parent. And yes, that is the meaning of being a person who cares about what world we have.

Now the deniers have been absolutely vicious to me, as they have been to many others. I do not care. The issues here are important enough for me to endure such things. It is time that more people stand up to deniers and do what needs to be done for our children. And when you find Big Lies being perpetrated by them, call their bluff.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

God, Common Sense, Reason And Global Warming

Among the deniers of global warming, there are some who swear by God, some who swear by common sense, and some who swear by reason. All of them are wrong.

To address the first group: I doubt that God would be happy about you destroying what He has created and what you cannot conceivably recreate.

To address the second group: It is common sense that, if you raise carbon dioxide emissions while cutting down trees to absorb carbon dioxide, you will have problems.

And to address the third group: It is irrational to deny reality.

Instead the people who swear by such things honestly would be doing what they can to stop global warming. From the religious standpoint, we are meant to be responsible stewarts of our resources. From the commonsensical standpoint, you do not shit where you eat. And from the rational standpoint, we have to use our brains to create and implement better technologies.

Technologies that stand to give people everything they have now, and more, with vastly fewer destructive effects than the current technologies.

I so happen to be privy to one such technology. It is called the Hydrogen Transmission Network (HTN). HTN ( will use solar power to break down ocean water into hydrogen and oxygen and send hydrogen through special safety-assured pipes to places of energy and water consumption, there to be reacted using fuel cells with oxygen in the air to create clean energy and clean water at once. A single network of hydrogen pipes will replace both the electric grid and the water delivery system, providing for humanity's water and energy needs through a single non-polluting process.

A person who swears by God, or by common sense, or by reason, should welcome this technology. It will deliver people everything that they have now and more while ending the burden on nature. It is true to God that we need to be responsible, and that means first and foremost environmentally responsible. It is commonsensical that a single network is better than two networks. And it is rational to use technologies that are brain-intensive rather than resource-intensive to provide for people's needs at present or greater levels with much fewer destructive effects.

So it is time that arguments of the deniers be stood on their heads. Once again, Christian religion, common sense and reason all favor clean energy technologies. And it is time that people who swear by such things see the promise of clean energy and get to work putting in solutions such as the HTN to meet people's energy needs.

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Social Norms And Righteousness

On the Internet, I have seen opinions such as that you need to follow the social norms in order to be a good person; that refusing to follow them is narcissism or sociopathy; and that society is hated by the arrogant.

It is time that these opinions be seen for the lies that they are.

Say you are in Afghanistan, and the social norms tell you that you should throw sulfuric acid into the face of a little girl for going to school. Are you going to be a good person for following such a norm? Or will you be a good person for fighting it?

Different societies are hated for different reasons and by different people. If you do not hate a society that thinks it justifiable to throw sulfuric acid into the face of a child, then something is wrong with you. I am sure that the people who want to maintain these ways would see those confronting them as arrogant. But it is the duty of honor and righteousness to fight such ways.

Now there is not much to recommend rebelling for the sake of rebelling, as is common among teenagers. But there is very much such a thing as righteously rebelling against ways that are wrong. In some cases, you are a good person if you oppose, not maintain, social norms. That is because, like anything human, social norms can be good, bad, neutral or a mix. And the duty of intelligence is to see which of these norms are right and which of these norms are wrong and uphold the former while fighting the latter.

So no, you are not made a sociopath or a narcissist for opposing some social norms, nor are you arrogant to abhor wrongdoing. Not all social norms are bad, but many are. And it becomes incumbent upon righteous people to support the good ones and fight the bad ones.