Thursday, April 30, 2015
The health of an
industry is judged by what kind of people are attracted to it. When I
was taking computer classes in 1995 and 1996, the classroom was
packed with eager, motivated people who were determined to make
something of their lives. When I took a computer class in 2001, the
classroom was much more sparsely attended, and most people in it came
across to me as losers.
I've been both a
winner and a loser; and I am not judging these people. I am however
noticing a pattern. The better the prospects of an industry, the more
winners it attracts. The worse the prospects of an industry, the more
it is likely that the people that it attracts are going to be losers.
Right now I am doing
training in aged care; and I am very impressed with other people
looking for work in the field. At the place where I am doing my
training, many of the students are kind, strong and even saintly. Of
course aged care is going to be a growing field as baby boomers
retire; and, given what I have seen of the other people moving into
the field, there are long-term prospects in aged care.
Of course
eventually, as baby boomers start dying, this field is going to
shrink; but there is a lot of time before that happens. Eventually
the winners will start leaving the field, and eventually the losers
will dominate the interested population. There is however a long time
until then. So I am leaving a field where I can't compete and moving
into a field that is growing. And from what I've seen so far, there
is a lot that stands to be done in this field.
On Human Nature
There are many
people who believe that human nature is evil, or that human nature is
sin. As a father, I know that they are wrong.
My daughter's first
social interaction, at age 1, was coming up to another little girl
and giving her a hug. I've seen children play peacefully across
gender lines and across racial lines. And I've also seen people with
no acquaintence to Chr istianity, Judaism or Islam – people such as
my grandmother, who was a Communist – acting in responsible,
compassionate, hard-working and generous ways.
At age 16, as a
student at a Christian school, I was talking to my mother about
“common human nature,” and she said that I was wrong. She said
that she had never wanted to hurt anyone. I realized that she was
right. There are all sorts of people – such as my mother and my
daughter – who are born good. Which completely refutes the claim
that human nature is sin, or that human nature is of the Satan.
However neither is
the nature of all people good. And for those whose nature is not
good, the solution is choice based on values. Any human being is
capable of choice. Which means that even the people who are naturally
sociopaths or bullies or scoundrels can act rightfully if they put
their minds to it.
In some cases
goodness is natural; in other cases it has to be attained through an
effort of will. In either case it is possible to be a good person.
Having been a bad person at some times in my life and a good person
at others, I know that goodness is attainable for everyone. It is a
matter of choice; and everyone is capable of it.
Islam and Liberalism
The people who are
against Islam in the West are frequently portrayed as bigots. A bigot
is someone who judges something that he knows nothing about; and I am
sure that many of these people really are just that: bigots. That
description does not extend however to people who are against Islam
I am against Islam;
but I am not a bigot. I've read the Quran, and I've known any number
of women who were married to Muslim men. And what I have seen is far
from pretty.
Quran actually
promises (Sura 76:19) boys in paradise. Mohammad himself was a
pedophile who had sex with a 9-year-old girl when he was 84. And
Islam was spread through extremely forcible means, including killing
150 million people during its expansion in Middle East and India.
Among the women I've
known who had been married to Muslim men, very few had anything but
horror stories to tell. There was a woman who had her elbow
permanently dislocated. There was a woman who was being brutally
beaten, whose Muslim husband said in court: “She is my wife, I can
beat her whenever I want to.”
When I was working
for a food place ran by a Lebanese Christian couple, they had a
friend, a young Muslim woman from Algeria who was trying to get a
divorce from her violent Algerian husband. Thugs kept coming in to
intimidate my boss for helping her. She eventually got a divorce, but
it cost her $60,000 of her father's money. At the end of which the
landlord, who was Muslim, pulled my boss's lease.
Why do so many
people who are into feminism support Islam, the most militantly
misogynistic ideology on the planet? Probably because they aren't
thinking straight. The authoritarian Western Christian man against
whom they militate is mild compared to these people. They are so
blinded by their single-minded focus against one form of wrong that
they fail to see greater forms of wrong.
A person who
actually believes in women's rights will be against ideologies that
treat women as property; and that is especially the case with Islam.
Evil is not limited to Christians or to the Western civilization.
Islam is worse than Christianity by the standards of feminism or
human rights. And Western liberals should be fighting Islamic
jihadism with similar or greater intensity than they are fighting the
Christian Right.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
On Obesity
The issue which I am
approaching here is a sticky one, as it has people passionately
invested on both sides. The issue is that of obesity. It occurs to me
that there is more than one consideration here.
One is that obesity
is unhealthy and generally undesirable and should not be encouraged
in society. The other is that there are – and I've known – many
obese people who are beautiful human beings, and they should be seen
and respected for what they are inside.
At the nursing home
where I am doing my training, most workers are women. Some of them
are attractive and some of them are overweight, in some cases
seriously overweight; but they all without exception are wonderful
people. They are kind, caring, compassionate, generous and good at
what they do.
When I was writing
on the Internet that obesity was undesirable, I was described as
heartless and soulless. I don't think there is anyone in their right
mind who would refer to me now as heartless and soulless. The problem
is as follows. I have known – and loved – several women who were
beautiful physically and had good hearts, who got maliciously
attacked by women who were both mean and fat. Because I loved them,
their concerns became my concerns. And because I loved them, their
enemies became my enemies.
There are many
unattractive women who maliciously abuse the attractive women, even
to the point of claiming that attractive women cannot be good human
beings. Any number of women I've loved are proof to the contrary.
Really, I do not see why there is going to be a correlation between
looks and personal goodness at all. Some women will be physically
attractive and good human beings; some women will be physically
attractive and bad human beings; some women will be physically
unattractive and good human beings; and some women will be physically
unattractive and bad human beings.
The monstrosity we
have seen, in case of political correctness, is women who are
unattractive and bad human beings claiming to speak for all women and
bullying their betters out of both their beauty and personal
goodness. I think I am far from the only person who says that these
women do not deserve to speak for one half of humankind or to carry
the banner of progressive element in society. Groups in society
should be represented by their best, not their worst, elements; and
this is most certainly the case for women.
Both attractive
women and unattractive women are capable of being good people. The
unattractive women should not be seen only for their appearance; but
neither should the beautiful women be portrayed as incapable of
having good personal qualities. People should be seen for the
totality of what they are. And this will result in reward for both
outer and inner beauty, encouraging people to develop both.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Two Booms That Weren't
In late 1990s, it
was frequently stated that biotech would be for the following decade
what computers had been for 1990s. I knew that this prediction was
wrong. There is much more that can be done with computers than with
biotech; and while I expect biotech to be a solidly growing industry
as medical needs of the baby boomers become more pressing, I do not
expect it to ever become as big as the computer industry.
Another economic
misdirection, that I also saw to go nowhere from the start, was the
housing boom of the last decade. I knew that there was no
justification for it, and that it was going to crash; and it did.
People were burned by the collapse of the .net bubble, and they
thought that real estate was a safer investment. It wasn't. The
computer industry boom of 1990s realized in real prosperity. The
housing bubble resulted in living expenses risisng while incomes
declined; and when it collapsed – as it was bound to have collapsed
– the result was the worst economic crisis since Great Depression.
The main axiom of
classical economics is that people's economic decisions are based on
rational self-interest. In this case, we see very little of anything
rational at all. In the first case the decisions were made based on
wishful thinking; and in the second case they were made based on
fear. Neither is rational.
Indeed, when we look
at economic decisions that are made, we see far more influence of
psychology than rational interest. I do not only talk of people who
gamble away their money or stuff themselves with fattening food or
buy expensive sneakers that they need to sell drugs in order to
acquire or keep going back for plastic surgery treatments when they
are already beautiful. I also talk, especially, of the influence of
marketing. With Microsoft vs. Borland, VHS vs. Beta, and fast food
chains vs. mom-and-pop diners, the inferior product rose to dominate
the marketplace through superior marketing. And in marketing,
psychology reigns supreme.
Keynes had another
explanation for what drove economic decisions: “animal spirits.”
That of course is a judgmental term, but psychology is not. It is
imperative to figure out just how much of the economic
decision-making that people make is based on psychology, and how much
is based on reason. And then it will be possible to encourage more of
the latter while controlling more of the former.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Sociopaths and Choice
Ther are some who
claim that people possessive of the sociopathic personality disorder
can only be bad people. This militates against basic reason. People
have choice; which means that people of any kind of mental makeup can
do the right thing.
Some people are
naturally mean, and others are naturally kind. For others, it is a
matter of choice. As someone who's been mean at some points in my
life, and kind at others, I say with full clarity that anyone can be
a good person if he is willing to work at it.
Ultimately we become
what we choose to become. Even a natural sinner can be a good person
if he wants to become one. If someone really wants to be a good
person, he can become one, regardless of his psychological makeup or
his neurology.
Nobody knows what
actually causes the sociopathic personality disorder. Apparently the
sociopaths have a disconnect between two centers in the brain, which
means that the cure will utlimately involve brain surgery. I am not a
sociopath; however I also know enough about life to know that anyone
can choose to be a good person. With sociopaths, they will have to
use their brains and their willpower to compensate for what their
heart fails to do.
Adolf Hitler and
Bill Gates appear to have a similar psychological makeup. Only one
killed 50 million people, and the other computerized the world and
gave billions of dollars to charitable causes. Both were completely
ruthless, and both were egomaniacs. However one did evil and the
other did good.
What does this mean
for the rest of us? Mainly that anyone, even a sociopath, can be a
good person and do the right thing if he is willing to put his mind
to it. We are not animals; we are people. We become what we choose to
become. And being a good person is possible for anyone, regardless of
his psychology or neurology, if he is willing to make that choice.
We Don't Need No Political Correctness
It occurs to me that
most of the problems that political correctness seeks to solve
through de facto censorship have rational solutions. And these
solutions are much more in spirit of American constitution – as
well as in spirit of academic inquiry – than political correctness.
Wrong ideas are not
meant to be suppressed; they are meant to be met either with better
ideas or solid refutations. In this essay I will give solid
refutations to many of the claims that political correctness seeks to
solve with de facto censorship.
If someone is a
neo-Nazi or a Jew-hater, then his claims should be addressed with
pure reason. If, as he claims, Jews were in control, and if, as he
claims, Jews were evil, then he would be facing a firing squad. That
he is instead free to spread his nonsense shows that either the Jews
or not in control, or that Jews are so good that they would even let
live a person who wishes them dead. Or both at once.
If someone claims
that women are stupid or evil, or that women belong in the house, or
that women are sluts or bitches or whores, then he should be reminded
of all the great women in history. This includes, but is not limited,
to: Queen Elizabeth I of England who turned England from a feudal
backwater to the world's greatest civilization; Queen Mary Medici of
Italy who inaugurated the Italian Renaissance; Marie Curie, Hedy
Lamar, Sandy Lerner, and any number of others who made great
contributions in science and technology; the Hollywood stars such as
Jane Fonda and Judy Garland and Olympic athletes such as Sarah
Hughes; the female writers such as Harriet Stowe and Harper Lee; and
of course the brilliant female political leaders such as Angela
Merkel, Golda Meir, Michele Bachelet and Hillary Clinton.
If someone claims
that black people are inferior, then the solution is as above. It is
to remind people of all the great black people, such as George
Washington Carver, Louis Armstrong, Martin Luther King, Nelson
Mandela, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey
and Mohammad Ali.
For all of the
wrongful claims out there, there are rational refutations. The
academia, which is supposed to espouse reason, needs to make these
rational refutations instead of practicing de facto censorship. The
same must be the case outside the academia.
There is absolutely
no need for political correctness. There is a need for real knowledge
and real reason.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Elements of Conservatism
Winston Churchill said that a young man who is not a liberal lacks a heart, and that an old man who is not a conservative lacks a mind. I have reason to challenge this claim. I have known kind-hearted young people who were conservatives, and I have known brilliant older people who were liberals. As a man in his prime who votes Democratic, I would like to advise Democrats on how they can sway people who are attracted to conservatism.
There are some who are attracted to conservatism for its promise of economic opportunity. Others are attracted to conservatism because they are patriots or because they are Christians. And then there are jerks who want to batter their wives or beat up on immigrants and gays.
The first group is the most reasonable one, and one that should be the easiest to work with. These people should be reminded of recent history, which is that American economy thrived – and fiscal sanity was achieved – under Clinton, whereas American economy tanked – and budget was busted – under Bush. The Democratic Clinton administration gave America its greatest period of peace and prosperity as well as the only balanced budget in 40 years; whereas the Republican Bush administration gave America its worst economic crisis since Great Depression and a completely unnecessary extra $5 trillion in debt. With Hillary Clinton as the Democratic front-runner, there is a promise of restoration of the successful Clinton economic policies and a return to the prosperity of 1990s.
The patriots should likewise be taught a lesson in history. America's greatest ever military victory – in the Second World War – was under the Democratic FDR administration. America became the greatest country in the world in early 20th century – the Progressive Era – the time that combined economic and technological innovation with union movement, feminism and environmentalism. As for claims that Clinton was un-patriotic or that he stood for America's weakness, nothing could be further from the truth. Clinton stood for win-win scenarios. Clinton wanted America to do well; he also wanted to extend prosperity and liberty to the rest of the world. That stance, I regard as true good; and indeed under Clinton America was by far the world's wealthiest country of any size, whereas under Bush it dropped to #10. As to the people on the Left who are actually anti-American, the more experienced Democrats should teach them patriotism – mainly by showing what life is like in places such as Afghanistan, and how much better it is in a country that has had the influence of Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Mark Twain, Ted Roosevelt, Susan Anthony and Martin Luther King. There are many in Christian Right who hate America for real while claiming to wear the flag; but, with the exception of an occasional slip-up (such as Pat Robertson claiming 9-11 to have been the case of God removing his protective umbrella over America) they are smart enough not to give voice to such sentiments.
With the Christians, it is important to remind them of what Christianity actually means. A Christian is meant to forgive sins. A Christian is meant to love the next person. A Christian is meant to accept as his neighbor the people from hostile tribes who are willing to do the right thing, as was the case in the story of the Good Samaritan. All these are values held by Democrats much more than they are held by Republicans.
Finally, the people who want to batter their wives or to beat up on gays or immigrants should not be welcome in the Democratic Party at all. They should be dealt with in the same way in which the Republicans dealt with the ghetto blacks and the hippies. They should be shamed out of the political discourse, and they should be treated as criminals.
The Reagan coalition, like the FDR coalition before that, is a collection of elements that are incongruous with each other and that should not be a part of a single political force. The Democrats have the capacity to reach out to these elements and convince them that it works in their interest to work with the Democrats instead of remaining a part of the Reagan coalition.
There are some who are attracted to conservatism for its promise of economic opportunity. Others are attracted to conservatism because they are patriots or because they are Christians. And then there are jerks who want to batter their wives or beat up on immigrants and gays.
The first group is the most reasonable one, and one that should be the easiest to work with. These people should be reminded of recent history, which is that American economy thrived – and fiscal sanity was achieved – under Clinton, whereas American economy tanked – and budget was busted – under Bush. The Democratic Clinton administration gave America its greatest period of peace and prosperity as well as the only balanced budget in 40 years; whereas the Republican Bush administration gave America its worst economic crisis since Great Depression and a completely unnecessary extra $5 trillion in debt. With Hillary Clinton as the Democratic front-runner, there is a promise of restoration of the successful Clinton economic policies and a return to the prosperity of 1990s.
The patriots should likewise be taught a lesson in history. America's greatest ever military victory – in the Second World War – was under the Democratic FDR administration. America became the greatest country in the world in early 20th century – the Progressive Era – the time that combined economic and technological innovation with union movement, feminism and environmentalism. As for claims that Clinton was un-patriotic or that he stood for America's weakness, nothing could be further from the truth. Clinton stood for win-win scenarios. Clinton wanted America to do well; he also wanted to extend prosperity and liberty to the rest of the world. That stance, I regard as true good; and indeed under Clinton America was by far the world's wealthiest country of any size, whereas under Bush it dropped to #10. As to the people on the Left who are actually anti-American, the more experienced Democrats should teach them patriotism – mainly by showing what life is like in places such as Afghanistan, and how much better it is in a country that has had the influence of Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Mark Twain, Ted Roosevelt, Susan Anthony and Martin Luther King. There are many in Christian Right who hate America for real while claiming to wear the flag; but, with the exception of an occasional slip-up (such as Pat Robertson claiming 9-11 to have been the case of God removing his protective umbrella over America) they are smart enough not to give voice to such sentiments.
With the Christians, it is important to remind them of what Christianity actually means. A Christian is meant to forgive sins. A Christian is meant to love the next person. A Christian is meant to accept as his neighbor the people from hostile tribes who are willing to do the right thing, as was the case in the story of the Good Samaritan. All these are values held by Democrats much more than they are held by Republicans.
Finally, the people who want to batter their wives or to beat up on gays or immigrants should not be welcome in the Democratic Party at all. They should be dealt with in the same way in which the Republicans dealt with the ghetto blacks and the hippies. They should be shamed out of the political discourse, and they should be treated as criminals.
The Reagan coalition, like the FDR coalition before that, is a collection of elements that are incongruous with each other and that should not be a part of a single political force. The Democrats have the capacity to reach out to these elements and convince them that it works in their interest to work with the Democrats instead of remaining a part of the Reagan coalition.
Tuesday, April 07, 2015
Players and Oppression
For a long time on
Google Groups, there was a poster named Gordon Roy Parker who claimed
that women are evil and that men should play them. This is a
disastrous advice.
A relationship that
starts with fakery can only remain fake. Eventually either the woman
or the children will realize the fakery all around them. If the woman
realizes that she has been conned, she will leave, or at least try to
leave. If the children realize the fakery, they will rebel.
To prevent the
latter from happening is hired an army of priests and psychiatrists.
Whenever the former happens, the woman gets attacked from the moral
brigade. This brigade is totally in the wrong. Morals exclude
conmanship and deception; and for people claiming morality to support
players and conmen is an outrage.
A person actually
possessive of principle will look at what is formative to the
relationship. If the relationship starts with deception, then he will
confront instead of supporting the deceiver. If a man wooes with
roses and keeps with fists – or if the man plays the woman, as Mr.
Parker advises us to do – then the man actually possessive of
principle will confront this situation. At this point the
participants will then have a choice as to whether to end the
relationship or whether to start anew based on truthful things rather
than false things.
Growing up in a
player situation is very destructive to children. Either they
themselves adopt insincerity as way of life, or they become either
traumatized or rebellious. A lie is made the authority over their
lives and over their minds. They have two choices, neither of them
desirable. One is to identify with the lie. The other is to cling to
what they see and what they know and be bullied or demonized.
Unfortunately the
thinking such as that of Mr. Parker is quite common around the world;
and fighting this kind of thing is not for the weak-minded. It is
however necessary. The man who plays the woman creates life-long
snares built on fabrication and conmanship.
The people in a free
country – indeed people everywhere – deserve better.
Sunday, April 05, 2015
Making Sense of Feminism
Tori Amos wrote
extensively in her first music album about the nastiness that she had
faced in school. To this nastiness, there were any number of
explanations given. The most famous ones – made by Andrea Dworkin
and Naomi Wolf – implicated either men as such or beauty as such.
Both are wrong.
There are many men
who are not nasty to women, me being one of them. As for beauty, this
was perhaps one of the most wrongful analyses in all of history.
Beauty has existed long before 1980s, and it has also existed outside
the Western civilization and outside patriarchial society. And within
the history of the Western civilization itself, it was the times
favoring beauty – the Renaissance, the Romantic era, the early 20th
century and 1960s and 1970s – that were most favorable to women.
There is nothing
wrong with using something that one is strong in – such as, in
these women's case, the brain – to compensate for what something
that one is weak in – such as, in these women's case, beauty. But
the brain needs to come up with rightful rather than wrongful
analyses. Beauty did not cause fascist school cultures; fascism did.
And in implicating beauty as such, are attacked many good people,
many of whom, as I have discovered, have compassion for those who
have less than they do and are willing to do much to help.
The artistic
perspective supports both beauty and compassion. Having known two
genius-level woman artists who were both also exceptionally
beautiful, I've seen in them wonderful personal qualities. They were
kind, warm, compassionate and giving. They went out of their way
constantly to help people who had less than they did. It is
absolutely wrong that they be equated with abusive school bullies or
with fascists who have developed these ignorant school cultures.
It is likewise
absolutely wrong to equate beauty with stupidity. Russian women are
both beautiful and smart. In attacking beauty in the name of
intelligence, these feminists create a false dichotomy between
intelligence and beauty. This dichotomy is very wrong. There is no
correlation between intelligence and beauty. One can be smart and
beautiful; smart but not beautiful; beautiful but not smart; or
neither smart nor beautiful. Being beautiful does not make one dumb,
and being unattractive does not make one intelligent.
People have right to
empower themselves against their aggressors, and that most certainly
is the case with people at the receiving end of these school
cultures. However many of these women became aggressors themselves
and have been maliciously abusing the beautiful women, especially
ones also gifted with sensitivity. It is important that the less
attractive women not be subject to bullying; it is also important
that the more attractive women not be subject to bullying as well.
Feminism needs to
affirm all women, and that also includes the attractive ones. Being
beautiful does not make one an enemy of other women. Many beautiful
women are also beautiful human beings, and they should be treated as
Conservative Values and Global Warming
Convincing people is a matter of addressing their values rather than one's own values. In addressing the conservatives on the matter of global warming, it is not enough to talk about maintaining a clean environment or protecting the planet. It is however possible to talk to them on this matter based on their beliefs and values, and I for one am willing to contribute one such effort, centered on the following conservative values: Responsibility, progress and family values.
Responsibility means
not destroying what one cannot recreate. Responsibility means not
leaving the world a worse place for oneself having been in it.
Responsibility means being careful stewards of the world's resources
and not blindly destroying irreplaceable treasure or flooding the
atmosphere with gases that cause hurricanes and floods. A responsible
person will do everything in his power to make sure that people's
requirements are provided for in such a way as to leave the world a
better and not a worse place for oneself having been in it.
Progress means
moving from less efficient and brain-intensive technologies to more
efficient and brain-intensive ones. This likewise means clean energy.
Solar and hydrogen energy stand to fulfil people's energy needs at
present and greater levels with vastly fewer destructive effects.
Clean energy is progress in every way; and a true believer in
progress will support clean energy.
Family values means
leaving the world a better place for one's children than one has
found it. It means creating for one's children a better future. This
likewise means clean energy. It means moving energy production toward
technologies that are less destructive to nature, so that one's
children can have a livable world.
Two other
conservative values – honesty and realism – require accepting
reality and working with reality. And this means accepting, and
working with, the reality of anthropogenic global warming. This
reality was known to both the Soviet and the American scientists as
early as 1950s. It became common knowledge in 1980s, when it should
have been solved. Instead the problem has been denied, and now we are
facing a much greater crisis than it should have ever been allowed to
What all this means
is that clean energy is compatible with conservative values, and that
a conservative true to conservative values will support clean energy.
Ultimately even the entities supporting the denial of global warming,
such as the oil industry, stand to benefit from clean energy
conversion. Oil will last longer and will be used for higher-end
goods such as plastics and pharmaceuticals, ultimately making more
money for the oil companies.
Clean energy
therefore makes every bit of sense according to conservative values
and according to even the conservative vested interests. It is the
responsible thing to do; it is the progress-generating thing to do;
and it is the thing to do if one actually cares about one's family
and its future. A conservative true to real conservative values will
support clean energy conversion. And a conservative who is against
such a conversion is not a true conservative.
Jocks and Nerds: Who's More Exciting?
A lot of younger
people see the bookish or the “nerdy” type of people as boring,
and the jock type as exciting; but over the long term the opposite is
true. As people gain more knowledge, their minds become filled with
all sorts of observations and information that makes them exciting to
talk to; whereas the people who do not do the same amount of
exploration do not have as much information and observation, making
them much less interesting company.
Many young girls see
the jocks as exciting; but many of these jocks believe that manhood
means dominating the woman and making her a pregnant-and-barefoot
punching bag. Pretty soon they become not only boring but also
violent and oppressive. Whereas a nerd is a lot more likely to
believe in women's rights and to give his woman a much greater
measure of freedom and respect.
I was a nerd in
school, and I've lived an exciting life. A fellow nerd, to whom I
will refer by his initials JP, has posted pictures on Facebook of him
dancing with beautiful skimpily clad women at a ball. Whereas any
number of former jocks have lived much more predictable,
straight-laced lives.
Often people's
natural attractions are counterproductive. They see as exciting the
people who ultimately become boring, and they see as boring the
people who ultimately become exciting. As they get older and more
experienced, their attractions tend to become more informed. However
there are also any number of situations in which they do not improve
and lead them instead into all sorts of nasty situations.
What determines
people's attractions? Well it can be any number of things. However
this tendency to see the bookish types as boring and the jock types
as exciting is obviously wrong-headed. The more knowledge people
have, the more they become interesting company. And that makes them
more, not less, exciting than the people who do not pursue knowledge.
Thursday, April 02, 2015
Who Owns Family Values?
While, for many
people, family values is synonymous with conservative Christianity, in reality
family values is something that exists just about everywhere. That
means the Jews; that means the Hindus; that means the Russians; and
that means the Orientals and the Africans.
In Jewish culture, child's education is paramount. Parents put in vast amounts of time and effort into their children's education, reading with them, studying with them and training them to be the best that they can be. For a Jew, the worst shame is to not take care of one's children. That is more than can be said of many American Christians.
In Asia we see the
same stress on education, also on hard work. Asians work extremely
hard to provide for their families, and they do a lot to sacrifice
for their children. Same is the case in India – a place that is
probably the most family-oriented in the world, where family is
paramount and everything revolves around it.
Africans also have
family values, and an average African woman works harder than just
about anyone in America. These women practice exceptional
self-discipline and strength. They do all the hard work while dealing
with very misogynistic men; and a lot can be learned from
these women.
The Middle East and
Eastern Europe are full of family values as well. Families there are
very strong, many decisions are made by them, and people do not have
much to help them when the choices made by families are wrong.
In all of these
cases, there are both good qualities and bad qualities to the
respective civilizations. What it shows however is that American
Right has no business claiming monopoly on family values. In having
family values, they are just one group among many; and many of the
groups around the world that also have family values are more
advanced in family values than are they.
This also includes
American liberals. Most of the liberals that I've met have been
completely committed to their families. They would stick with their
families through thick and thin, doing everything that they needed to
do to help them thrive, prosper and be their best. Indeed I've seen
more by way of family values in liberals than I have in
It is wrong for
conservatives to claim that they have family values and that others
don't. Most of the world has family values, and that has been the
case for centuries. Family values is a global phenomenon and one not
limited to a population. And in America itself, there are many
populations that have family values but are not
Cinderella and Feminism
The story of
Cinderella is that of a woman being rescued, by marriage to a man,
from bondage to a mean-spirited matriarch. Of course there are many
situations in which a woman's marital situation to a man is of such a
character that she either needs someone to rescue her from it or has
to do so herself.
Both men and women
are capable of wrongdoing, and that is the case with both male
authority and female authority. As feminism continues to grow, there
are going to be more matriarchial women, and not all of them are
going to be good people. It will be necessary to learn how to deal
with them in the same way as it is necessary to learn how to deal
with patriarchial men, who also will continue to exist, feminism or
no feminism.
In both patriarchial
and matriarchial situations, there are liable to be abuses. This
means that the potential for these abuses must be checked – through
people having other options than staying where they are. The best
outcome of this social change is that people will be able to choose
whom they deal with. People more comfortable with male authority will
choose male authority, and people more comfortable with female
authority will choose female authority. And those at the receiving
end of abuse or oppression by either will have options besides
putting up with it.
Feminism will not
turn everyone into good people; but at least it will give people more
choice. There will be more matriarchial situations for those who want
such a thing, and there will continue to be patriarchial situations
for those who prefer male authority. Yes, some of these matriarchs
are going to be jerks. Same with the patriarchial men. But with a
meaningful choice, there will be more meaningful freedom; and people
will choose the order under which they will choose to live.
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
Non-Scientific Applications of Scientific Method
In order to be
valid, a theory has to be falsifiable. Falsifiability is a set of
conditions which, if met, would render the theory false. Thus, if
your theory is that moon is made of green cheese, then if a
spacecraft goes to the moon and brings back a sample of rock that is
not green cheese, then the theory has been falsified.
This logic has a
vast range of applications, including for people who have nothing to
do with science. Say someone has a theory that you are an alcoholic.
This theory cannot be falsified by you saying that you are not an
alcoholic; it is however possible to prove that you're not an
alcoholic. An alcoholic is someone who cannot control his drinking.
If you can control your drinking and keep it to say a glass of wine a
day, then that theory has been falsified and you are not an
There are any number
of other applications. Say for example that someone has a theory that
Obama is a Communist. This theory can likewise be falsified. A
Communist would have nationalized the banks and the car industry;
instead Obama bailed them out. This not only means that Obama is not
a Communist, but likewise that he is a very powerful influence in
favor of business, and American business owes him gratitude.
Or if someone has a
theory that Jews are evil and control everything. If that had been
true, then people saying such things would all be dead. That they are
instead free to spread their lies shows either that Jews are not in
control, or that the Jews are so good that they would even tolerate
those who wish them dead. In either case, this theory can be easily
shown to be wrong.
I am against the
anti-spiritual bigotry that we see among many who claim to have the
scientific worldview; but I am enthusiastically in favor of science
as such. Indeed I am convinced that science can ultimately have
insight even into spiritual phenomena. And I've known distinguished
scientists who had highly spiritual worldviews – worldviews in
which they were working to reconcile real spiritual experience with
factual knowledge that we see from science.
Different people
orient by different methodologies. There are many who orient by
“common sense”; there are others who orient by logic; and then
there are many who orient by religion. I think that all of the above
have the capacity both for right and wrong directions. But the
scientific method has more to recommend itself than either of the
preceding; and it can be of use in all areas of life and for all
sorts of people who are not scientists.