Friday, July 31, 2015
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Rebellion and Character of Places
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Therapy and Love
"Every generation blames the one before"
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Military and Peaceful Service
Monday, July 20, 2015
Welfare and Work
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Taxation and Patriotism
Friday, July 17, 2015
Do Right-Wingers Own American Patriotism?
Social Freedom and Market System
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Guns and Right-Wingers
In 1990s there was a large movement called the survivalists. These people expected the civilization to collapse, so they went out into the country and built bunkers or stuffed their houses with guns and produce. Of course the civilization did not collapse, and many of these people wound up in the position of embarrassment.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
I Love a Ghost
Some love the ones who are near them,
Others whom they have lost;
But as for my opinion,
I love a ghost.
Her life was hard and painful,
Her life was tempest-tossed,
Maybe she is much happier
Since she became a ghost,
On my love there are no limits,
To my love there is no cost,
No years or hours or minutes -
I love this ghost,
If gates of heaven are open
Or if they are closed
Or if she reincarnates
I love this ghost,
Like butterfly and a flower,
Like parasite and a host,
We are eternally bound -
Me and this ghost -
Of what are you most proud?
Of what can you most boast?
I care for such things nothing:
I love a ghost.
These are the words I'm heeding
Whenever I sorrow most:
Love whom you love; as for me -
I love a ghost.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Thinking, Feeling and Generations
According to orthodox Christianity and Islam, both are wrong. According to these creeds, the divine truths are only made available in the Bible and the Quran. However both enlightenment and romanticism have done a lot for the Western civilization. The first created science, democracy, and ultimately technology and prosperity. And the second created beautiful art and poetry and greatly enriched and enhanced man-woman relationships.
The first stresses thinking, and the second stresses feeling. Both are inextricable from human makeup, and both are capable of both rightfulness and error. Enlightenment thinking results in everything from Man on the Moon to the lobotomy man. Romantic thinking results in everything from Lord Byron to banal pop songs.
When I asked a very wise baby boomer lady why her generation was so different from the generation that followed, she said that her generation had been taught to feel while Generation X had been taught to think. It is obvious that in both cases we see education being done half-right. Both thinking and feeling are capable of being both right and wrong. And when the two coexist in the same person, he gets to greater wisdom than he would if he had just one or the other.
This carries implications for all sorts of uses. While feeling allows one to experience one's own condition - and empathy the next person's condition - thinking allows one to see the external effects of both. Pure feeling fails to compute the external effects, and pure thinking fails to compute the internal experience. This creates a potential for error in both methodologies: For feeling, the error of self-absorption, and for thinking, the error of coldness, cruelty and out-of-touch ineffectuality.
Of course we see the evidence for this all the time, including in generations. The baby boomers were taught only to feel – and they are regarded as a self-absorbed generation. Generation X were taught only to think – and they tend to be quite cold. But when people can both think and feel, they get an integrative picture, where they understand people and social phenomena more completely: By seeing both the internal experience and the external effects.
Whether or not divine truths are made obtainable through either Enlightenment thinking or Romantic thinking is debateable; however both philosophies have proven highly valuable for the world. The first gave the world science and democracy, and ultmately the technology and prosperity that comes from such things; and the second has given the world beautiful artwork and vastly enriched the relationships between men and women. Both thinking and feeling should be cultivated. The result will be more full and more integrated human beings who have at their disposal two fundamental modalities, allowing them to get a more complete understanding of themselves and of others and get to wisdom faster than through either thinking or feeling acting alone.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Gays and Definition of Marriage
Gay Marriages and Freedom to Roam
Thursday, July 09, 2015
Israel and Hypocrisy
Most criticism of Israel is completely hypocritical. Who is more of a thug: An Israeli or a member of ISIS? The same people who claim to be in favor of feminism are attacking Israel while giving green light to the most misogynistic ideology on the planet – jihadist Islam. What they don't understand is that the jihadists want to kill or enslave them. The Israeli do not.
Most criticism of Israel that does not come from jihadists comes from Europe. In some ways, the Jews and the Europeans traded places since the Second World War. Jews went from being pacifistic to being nationalistic; and Europeans went from being nationalistic to being pacifistic. What we see in both cases is a lesson learned too well. The Jews learned that they were not safe in the world and needed their own country; and the Europeans learned that war and nationalism are evil. At its worst, Israel has been overly reliant on the military and not done enough by way of diplomacy. At their worst, the Europeans have been cowardly and failed to confront destructive regimes.
I am not in support of the jingoistic policies of Benyamin Netanyahu. I had admiration for Yitzhak Rabin, and I hope that someone with similar strength and wisdom will arrive on Israeli political scene and in this case maintain adequate security to keep idiots from shooting him. I cannot tell the Israelis how to live their lives; I can however confront wrongful beliefs about them. And the compassionate and intelligent perspective will look at history and find out why the Israelis are acting the way that they do.
Having endured some of the worst atrocities ever committed, the Jews are right to want their own country. They are also right to protect themselves from people who hate them and teach their children to hate them since the earliest age. The land that is Israel was forcibly taken by Muslims long before it became Israel. And the person who is against conquest of other countries will recognize that and stop prosecuting Israel for the sins that everyone else, from Europeans to Americans to Muslims, have committed in their history.
Tuesday, July 07, 2015
Class Struggle vs. Social Mobility
Monday, July 06, 2015
Hostile Countries and Immigration
Saturday, July 04, 2015
The Errors of Sigmund Freud
On Illegal Immigrants
Illegal immigration from Mexico is a controversial issue, and that is because there are many sides to it.
On one hand, the Republicans are right to say these people broke the law in order to come to America. On another hand, they have been major contributors to America's construction and agricultural sectors, and American business, for which Republicans claim to stand, benefits from them handsomely.
A Kansas farmer ran an experiment. He invited American citizens to work on his farm under the conditions that the Mexican illegal immigrants work and for the price that they get paid. Nobody stayed longer than a week. This means that the claim that the illegal immigrants take the jobs away from hard-working Americans is not fully correct. They take the jobs that Americans do not want.
When the economy is doing well, the people who want to do hard manual labor for a pittance are welcome. When the economy is not doing as well, these people are less welcome. The economic conditions are beginning to improve, and there will be less agitation for deporting these people.
That's a part of the story – the American part of the story. But there is also a Mexican part of the story. And this is as follows: If Mexico's most hard-working people come to America, then who will be there to make Mexico a better place? If the conditions in Mexico improve, there will be less reason for people to come to America. I see no reason at all why Mexico needs to remain poor. They need to get their political and economic house in order, then they can boom.
How would they do that? Through the attention of the same people who come to America. They are willing to work hard in America, they should be willing to work hard in Mexico as well. The Mexican leadership needs to convince these people to stay in the country so that they can improve the country. It needs to tell them that they should be more patriotic and that they should work to enrich Mexico.
I am an American patriot; but I am not a jingoist. I want America to do well; I also want the rest of the world to do well. I seek win-win scenarios, much in the manner of Bill Clinton who cared about all sectors of society and was looking for solutions to benefit them all.
This requires making an effort to understand where people are coming from and where they are going. For now, the Mexican illegal immigrants are contributing, and business benefits from their attention. Ultimately however the solution to this situation is for Mexico to improve. And from that standpoint, the Mexican leadership should convince these people to be more patriotic and work on making their own country a better place.
Friday, July 03, 2015
Definition of Responsibility
Neurosis is defined as taking responsibility for things that are other people's responsibility, and personality disorders are defined as not taking responsibility for things that are one's own.
All this depends on how responsibility is defined. There are some systems that want everyone to be responsible for themselves, and there are other systems in which the responsibility is shared. According to each side, the other is both neurotic and personality disordered.
If someone can't find a job, the reasons can be both internal and external. It is possible that the economy is in a bad shape, that one's job has gone overseas, or that one's field has crashed. It is also possible that the person did a bad job for a former employee or mismanaged his education. Both of the above are possible. Which means that, as impacting upon that person, there is both his behavior – which he is in control of – and economic and social situation, of which he isn't. Responsibility can in this case belong to either party, or partly to both.
The same is the case in all situations that involve more than one person. A country may crash because it has a bad government, resulting in all sorts of people suffering for reasons that are not their fault. Economies can crash as well, likewise resulting in all sorts of people suffering for reasons that are not their fault. The responsibility here does not belong with the people at the receiving end of these wrongs; it belongs with the policy-makers and the entrepreneurs.
Responsibility is defined one way in America, another way in China. For that matter it is defined differently in Western Europe as well, and Western Europe does not have torture or labor camps. Each side will see the other as being guilty of neurosis and personality disorder. The real issue is the definition of responsibility.
Am I neurotic because I want to solve social and political problems and to contribute meaningfully to the civilization? Am I personality disordered because I want to be rewarded for this with appreciation and respect? A Texan may say yes. A Swede would say no.
I would like to bring up the example of an older lady who lives in the community where I live. She has been a nurse, raised three good sons, and carries a lot of influence in the community. She is willing to go out of her way to help people, but she wants to be appreciated for that and gets very angry when she isn't. Is this neurosis or personality disorder? I think not. This is a good human being, and she has every right to demand appreciation for the good things that she does.
The real issue is as follows: Who is responsible, and for what? A gangster may be seen as either irresponsible or disadvantaged, depending upon who talks. The people who have had their jobs go to China or Mexico may be seen as losers, or they may be seen as having been betrayed by corporate America. In most cases, the responsibility is part-internal, part-external. And then of course there are situations when it is solely either of the above.
There are many places in which women do all the hard work while their men spend their time beating them up or killing their fellow man. Under the Soviet system, there were some people who did all the hard work and many others who leeched off of them. And in America, we see some places discouraging social-oriented or system-oriented thinking and blaming the people who get dislocated or impoverished for wrongs that are due to bad business practices, wrong policies or irresponsible greed.
It is necessary to come up with a workable definition of who is responsible for what. This definition needs to be fair and factual. All that contributes positively should be rewarded, and all that contributes negatively should be punished. And then – only then – will it be possible to come up with a workable definition of what is neurosis and what is personality disorder.
The Generational Slanders
The baby boomers are constantly being accused of being selfish, and the early 20th century generation is constantly being accused of being shallow. I have reason to believe that none of these claims are right.
The baby boomers started out being exceptionally altruistic. They fought for civil rights; they fought for women's rights; they fought for children's rights; they fought for peaceful engagement with other countries; they fought for better treatment of the poor. For this they were viciously attacked and derided as commies. So, by the time the 1980s rolled around, they decided that they no longer wanted to be commies and getting brutally attacked. They became self-interested and entrepreneurial, in the best American tradition. And for this they were portrayed as selfish brats.
The early 20th century generation should likewise not be getting slandered. Early 20th century is when America rose to world leadership. Before that, England, not America, was the world's greatest country. The early 20th century generation gave the world the automobile, the skyscraper, the electricity and the telephone. And it also made America the greatest country in the world.
I mean no disrespect whatsoever for America's World War II generation. They had to fight in a horrible war, they initiated a long period of peace and prosperity, and they have the right to all the respect that they can get. But let us put things into perspective. The Russians fought in that war as well, and they endured many more casualties than did the Americans. And – let this not be forgotten – the Nazis who fought in that war were a part of that generation as well.
I want to see everyone being seen for what they are; and this is the case with both the baby boomers and the early 20th century generation. The attacks against both of these generations are wrong. Both have been major contributors to America, and both deserve to be seen for having been major contributors to America. As for the World War II generation, they deserve respect; but they do not deserve to slander either their children or their parents.
Thursday, July 02, 2015
Conservatives and Personal Freedom
As a content co-ordinator for a non-partisan political information site, I am confronted all the time with rhetoric that I find on candidates' websites. Some of that rhetoric makes me very angry. I am responding now to what I've been finding on the websites of any number of Republican candidates: The ardent claims that “traditional marriage” is “bedrock of society” and that "protecting it" from being extended to include such “threats” as gay marriage reflects “religious freedom” and “American values”.
I ask these Republicans: Have you ever read the Bible? Because I have, and most people in the Bible did not have a “traditional marriage.” They were either single, as were Paul and most of the prophets, or they were sleeping with any number of women, as were Abraham, David and Solomon. Which makes most people in the Bible terrible sinners according to the logic of these Republicans.
For decades Republicans have been claiming themselves to be a party of small government. A small government is not a government that tells people what lifestyle they have to lead. Nobody is preventing people who want to have a “traditional marriage” from doing so. The problem is that many of the people who are into “traditional marriage” want to deny people the right to live any other way. And that is a supreme violation of liberty.
Liberty that the Republicans claim to protect; that they claim to believe in; and that they aggressively deny to everybody else.
The essence of liberty is choice. Particularly, it is being able to choose the lifestyle that one wishes to live. This means both for those people who want a “traditional” lifestyle and for the people who want to live one or another lifestyle alternative. A person who truly values liberty will understand this, and he will respect this. There is no excuse for those in feminism who want to deny people the right to a “traditional” family; that's just another form of control and intolerance. But there is also no excuse for conservatives denying other people the right to choose a way of life other than theirs.
As a man, and a father, whose wife has left me to be with another man, I would be expected to take the side of social conservatives. I do not. When she left me, I did not try to kill her or her new love interest; I did not try to take away from her my daughter; indeed I did not even wish upon either of them any kind of ill. They are both good people, and I have maintained a good friendship with both of them. My daughter has the complete attention from both her mother and her father. I say that this is possible, and that other men in similar situations should take the same path as I did.
If I can do this, then they can as well.
And them doing so – being able to rise above jealousy and possessiveness and respect and value true freedom, which is the freedom for people to choose their lifestyle - will make a better America and a better world.
Kenneth Starr, who in 1998 unleashed a storm of vicious abuse against President Clinton, said recently that, if he were to meet Bill Clinton now, he would apologize. This is being a true gentleman; indeed this is true integrity. This is what Christianity is meant to be about.
Not attacking single mothers; not attacking gays; not attacking people who are childless.
For many years conservatives have been claiming that they want people to not infringe on their lifestyle or make them pay for theirs. This is a two-way street. Having lived in the San Francisco area, and made good money in the computer industry at the time, I know just to what extent the conservatives infringe upon other lifestyles than theirs. Most homosexuals work, as do most childless people, as do many single mothers. Most of the above do not infringe upon anyone either. Yet all of the above are under constant attack from conservatives.
Ted Cruz said that there is no place for gays and atheists in “his” America, and that “the Constitution makes this clear.” “His” America? What about the other 300 million people who live in America? The recent electoral results have shown that Far Right, although it may think itself to be an American majority, is in fact an American minority. And no, they have not “built America.” 300 million people living now – and many millions who have lived in the past – have.
These included any number of people who are nothing like Ted Cruz or those who vote for him. It includes the Chinese, who built American railroads; the blacks, who staffed its plantations; the Jews and the atheists, who dominate its science and innovation and have a strong presence in finance, business, media and entertainment; and the Hindus and the minority religions in the computer industry. America owes vastly to all of the above. It is time that more people stand up on behalf of these great contributors to America and defeat the voices of conmanship and deception, from Ted Cruz to Rush Limbaugh to Alex Jones.
To Ted Cruz: No, you are not America. You may be a part of America, but you have no business claiming America to be yours. California is not yours. New York is not yours. New England is not yours. And, as we have seen in recent electoral results, neither does appear to be the majority of the American population.
Ted Cruz is rightfully attacking ISIS for forcing upon people in Middle East its radical interpretation of Islam. But he is doing the exact same thing: Forcing upon people in America his radical interpretation of Christianity. He is not only attacking atheists and gays; he is also attacking the more tolerant people within Christianity – tolerance which, incidentally, is demanded by Jesus. He is not a conservative. He is a radical. And the people who rail against radicals have no business being radicals themselves.
I ask this: What is the logical outcome of believing yourself, and nobody else, to be America? The logical outcome is this: Forcing your way upon the rest of America. If you think that America is yours, you will run roughshod over everyone else who lives in America. And if you think that you speak for God, then you will run roughshod over everyone else, period. This is what ISIS is trying to do; and, it appears, it is in this not alone.
I have absolutely nothing against the people who want to live the “traditional” lifestyle. It is their absolute right. But likewise a right it is for people who want to live a non-”traditional” lifestyle. Both the conservatives, who want everyone to live the “traditional” lifestyle, and those in feminism who see the “patriarchial” lifestyle as evil, are in the wrong. Liberty means liberty. And that means the right for those who want to live the “traditional” lifestyle to do so – and for people who don't want it to be doing something else.
Much is being decided at the political level right now, and the same people who used to have no interest in politics are taking interest in it, because important issues are at hand. These issues are important enough to merit honest analysis. A political force that thinks that it is America and nobody else is can only be a force for tyranny and oppression. And it is high time that the rest of America speak up and tell them that they do not speak for it.
Enlightenment and Romanticism: Thinking and Feeling
Wednesday, July 01, 2015
Matriarchs and Submissive Women
Rationality and Common Sense
What is a more valid guide to reality: Rationality or common sense? I've known someone who spoke highly in favor of common sense who was a Mormon. And history shows that common sense takes all kinds of forms, from the long-held idea that divine right of kings under God was common sense to the contemporary American idea that a money-driven society is.
Rationality can also take all sorts of wrongful directions. The behaviorists and the lobotomists thought that they were rational, but they were wrong. Freudians think that they are rational, but they are also wrong. And the people who think that spirituality, mysticism and religion are for loonies and idiots are also wrong, however rational they consider themselves to be.
However that's not the end of the story. Good things have come out of common sense, such as effective business and political practices. And good things have also come out of rationality, such as science and technology. Both modalities are capable of both rightful and wrongful outcomes; and it becomes the matter of separating what's right in each from what's wrong in each.
One of the most effective people I've known was a World War II colonel who then became a distinguished scientist. He was strong in both common sense and rationality, and he became a very effective and very successful man. Yet even he had problems. When I talked to him, he was going on about how he could not figure out women. We see here the shortcomings of both mentalities.
Is it possible to rationally figure out women? My personal belief is that it is possible to rationally figure out anything, even God. But it involves doing more than simply assaying. It requires extending yourself to the point that you are feeling the next person's experience and are supplementing both rationality and common sense with subjective experience.
What am I talking about? Well consider this. De Tocqueville was able to write highly insightful work about America. He was a Frenchman who had lived in America. He saw it from without, and he experienced it from within. As a result of this he had a complete, integrative, picture of America; and he was able to understand both the experience of the participants and what it looked like from without.
I have had Christian people tell me that I would not be able to understand Christianity unless I became a Christian. I became a Christian, and that lead to insight into the workings of Christianity. As someone who has for a long time in my life not been a Christian, I retain the assessment that I've had of Christianity before and can understand both the internal experience and the external effects.
Modalities - all modalities - have the capacity for both correct outcomes and error. And one way to maximize the potential for correct outcomes and reduce the potential for incorrect outcomes is to combine the modalities. Both rationality and common sense - as well as any number of other approaches, such as artistic inspiration and spiritual revelation - have a way of reducing each other's potentials for error through an introduction of an external perspective. And the best results are achieved through having all these perspectives combined.